Description: In this ticket you will write a command based robot program for FRC. This ticket will go over the outline of the command base structure, shuffleboard, xbox controllers, and motor controls. You can assume the robot is a mechanum drive and has 4 CIM motors w/ Spark MAX motor controllers (CAN ID 1 - 4) and one Xbox Controller on port 0.
Acceptance Criteria:
Write a Command Based program for a robot with the following design:
One Drive Train Subsystem Class for defining subsystem methods
One Drive Train Command Class for executing subsystem methods
Once Constants Class for static variable declarations
Utilize the xbox controller for input
Apply a controller deadzone for the first %20 of the joystick axis
The left stick should do orthogonal and diagonal movement
The right stick should do rotation
To submit:
Place your source code in- Training/Student/{your_name}/mecanumBot
Description: In this ticket you will write a command based robot program for FRC. This ticket will go over the outline of the command base structure, shuffleboard, xbox controllers, and motor controls. You can assume the robot is a mechanum drive and has 4 CIM motors w/ Spark MAX motor controllers (CAN ID 1 - 4) and one Xbox Controller on port 0.
Acceptance Criteria:
Write a Command Based program for a robot with the following design:
To submit: