Description: Once you have an initial draft of the robot code working with mecanum. The next task is to iteratively add more features, sensors, and manipulators that are commonly used on the robot.
Acceptance Criteria:
You have a working drive code for a mecanum chassis with configurable joystick dead zones, speed coefficients, and polarity modifiers
You have gyro information (roll, pitch, yaw and x, y, z acceleration) graphed to the smart dashboard
You have an autonomous program for the robot to drive forward for 5 seconds and then turn 90 degrees to the left or right based on shuffleboard input
You have a USB camera display up on the smart dashboard with a custom hit marker cursor in the center of the screen
You have a servo attached to the drive train subsystem that articulates open on RB and closed on LB
You have a rangefinder that displays information to the smart dashboard
Description: Once you have an initial draft of the robot code working with mecanum. The next task is to iteratively add more features, sensors, and manipulators that are commonly used on the robot.
Acceptance Criteria: