Team4019 / team4019-2017

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OpenCV and CameraServer (cscore) libraries #3

Open grady404 opened 7 years ago

grady404 commented 7 years ago

Download links (not sure which one is the correct one) for OpenCV:

Download for the cscore library:

In case this helps, here is the example code I was following.

And finally here's the question I posted on the Chief Delphi forum (a forum used by lots of FRC teams) in the first place:

The response I got on the Chief Delphi forum suggests that the new UsbCamera class is part of the wpilibj library which is already installed in the project directory, but this class is not being recognized by IntelliJ. I assume there's a newer version of the WPILib library available now but I also am not sure how to install the newest version of that, so I'd appreciate if you could figure that out.

EDIT: maybe this link will help?

torpedo51 commented 7 years ago

This seems to have more details: