Description of how to add a Gryo
The link below provides an example but uses a different type of hardware. Instead of using the ADXRS450_Gyro, we use the Gryo on the NavX board over a USB connection. If the driver is installed on your computer it can be loaded with:
Description of how to add a Gryo The link below provides an example but uses a different type of hardware. Instead of using the ADXRS450_Gyro, we use the Gryo on the NavX board over a USB connection. If the driver is installed on your computer it can be loaded with:
import com.kauailabs.navx.frc.AHRS;
An addition to the above example code it would be good to add a "try catch" statement around the instantiation of the NavX: like:
try { ahrs = new AHRS(SerialPort.Port.kUSB1); ahrs.enableLogging(true); } catch (RuntimeException ex ) { DriverStation.reportError("Error instantiating navX MXP: " + ex.getMessage(), true); }
Additional Information about the NavX
Example code with NavX: