Discuss if robot should be stuck in a gear, manual shifting, or automatic shifting
If a button is held, deploy the intake and run it at 100% power. Ifthe button is released, retract the intake and stop the motor
If a button is held, spool the shooter to 1600RPM. If the button is released, set the shooter to 0RPM This should be the same constant as the manual shooter command
when exiting, set the shooter speed to 0, retract the intake, and set the intake speed to 0
isFinished() will always return false. stopping the command will be handled by Robot.java
Standard tank drive
If a button is held, deploy the intake and run it at 100% power. Ifthe button is released, retract the intake and stop the motor If a button is held, spool the shooter to 1600RPM. If the button is released, set the shooter to 0RPM This should be the same constant as the manual shooter command when exiting, set the shooter speed to 0, retract the intake, and set the intake speed to 0 isFinished() will always return false. stopping the command will be handled by Robot.java