TeamAmaze / AmazeFileManager

Material design file manager for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Creating a bookmark with empty directory causes error when attempting to open the bookmark #4143

Open inas-fawzi opened 1 month ago

inas-fawzi commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug When you create a new bookmark and leave the directory empty, if you attempt to open the bookmark afterwards you will get a message saying "Bookmark not found, recreating..." followed by a popup asking you to use a certificate installer.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Got settings
  2. Got to interface
  3. Under the sidebar section go to bookmarks
  4. Click Add Item
  5. Give the bookmark a name (in my case specifically I gave the bookmark a name identical to an existing one)
  6. Leave the directory blank and press create
  7. Go back to the home page
  8. Click on the new bookmark you created
  9. See the error "Bookmark not found, recreating..."

Expected behavior If a directory is invalid then this would ideally be checked at the time of creating the bookmark. The user should be prevented from creating a bookmark with an invalid directory.

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