TeamAmaze / AmazeFileManager

Material design file manager for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot start FTP service from tile #4161

Open TranceLove opened 3 weeks ago

TranceLove commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug Cannot start FTP service from tile

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add Amaze FTP service tile to pull down
  2. Pull down tile to reveal Amaze FTP service tile
  3. Tap on the tile to try start the FTP server
  4. Nothing happened

Expected behavior Notification should pop up at the pull down, saying FTP server is started

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Error at Logcat

Failed to start/stop on intent Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.amaze.filemanager/ (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{9b1ddaa u0a171 RCVR idle change:uncachedprocstateprocadj procs:0 seq(744816,744814)}

Possibly related:

Suggesting this should affect Android versions >= 8.0.