TeamBR-Modding / Neotech

Tech Mod for Minecraft 1.14.4
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Electric Alloyer ignoring I/O Config #416

Closed BamaJoe411 closed 7 years ago

BamaJoe411 commented 7 years ago

What Version of NeoTech are you using: Neotech-1.10.2-4.0.0-B151

Please the crash Report and put link here: N/A

I have an Electric Alloyer set up with 2 Electric Crucibles (one on the top with Blaze rods and one on the Left with Iron Blocks). I have a network card in the Electric Alloyer and set the Electric Alloyer I/O Config like this and the Electric Alloy is still accepting molten iron in both fill slots in the Electric Alloyer.

pauljoda commented 7 years ago

This was an issue I discovered and fixed in 1.11.2. I wish I had a fix for you, but with the amount of changes that have occured it would be difficult to go back and patch this. Closing for now, but may reopen if I plan on going back and supporting 1.10.2