COMPAS rapid binary population synthesis code
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(Giant) Core He Burning stars have WR winds at low Z #502

Open LiekeVanSon opened 3 years ago

LiekeVanSon commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug At Z = 0.001, for fiducial pythonSubmit, stars with MZAMS [15-30] have WR winds as their dominant Mass loss rate when they pass the VINK_MASS_LOSS_MINIMUM_TEMP on their way to becoming red giants (and still have an envelope).

This only seems to occur for low metallicities (at least, it doesn't happen for Z = Zsun or Z = 0.01)

Label the issue urgency_moderate - This is a moderately urgent issue severity_moderate - This is a moderately severe bug

To Reproduce Run the attached pythonSubmit.txt (changed to .txt so I could upload it to this bug report). Also attached are required COMPAS_Output_Definitions and a grid (SingleStar_grid) to reproduce attached plots (coloured by Dominant_Mass_Loss_Rate)

This pythonSubmit is basically the Fiducial one exccept for: luminous_blue_variable_prescription = 'HURLEY_ADD' But the same behaviour occurs when setting luminous_blue_variable_prescription = 'BELCZYNSKI'

COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt SingleStar_grid.txt pythonSubmit.txt

HR_Z0 001

Expected behaviour These are massive stars with an envelope so I think they should have NieuwenHuijzen & de Jager as dominant mass loss.

Screenshots Detailed evolution for a 15 and 30 Msun example are attached:

30 Msun 30Msun_envelopeCcore 30MsunWinds

15 Msun 15MsunWinds

Versioning (please complete the following information):

Additional context Happy New Year to whomever is reading this! :)

TomWagg commented 3 years ago

I created a similar issue (#465) a couple of weeks ago (Great minds think alike I've heard @LiekeVanSon) ;)

This problem here is that COMPAS uses a metallicity independent WR prescription for stars below 12500K whilst using the VINK mass loss option (COMPAS does have a metallicity dependent prescription for stars above 12500K so you see normal things in the helium stars).

See the discussion at the end of PR #467 with @ilyamandel for why we're not fixing this immediately. Although we could change this to the metallicity dependent version, Ilya is planning to change how the winds work completely anyway so the plan was just to wait to do that I think.

LiekeVanSon commented 3 years ago

Thanks @TomWagg :D! Sorry I should've checked closed issues before creating a new one. Interested in hearing the new plans for wind prescriptions...!

However, I would still argue for a quick fix of this particular problem, either by making the WR winds metallicity dependent as Tom suggests, or by excluding WR winds from the "HURLEY" prescription if the "VINK" scheme is used. @ilyamandel I think having WR winds for the majority of BH-progenitors at low Z could have a quite severe influence on the mass distribution, right?

ilyamandel commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the silence, @LiekeVanSon and @TomWagg !

I believe that, at the moment, we are allowing for WR winds for small-envelope (but not completely stripped) stars in agreement with Hurley+, 2000 (see section 7.1, relevant screenshot attached).

It's clear that we need a coherent plan for handling winds that accounts for all of the updates since Hurley+. Alas, I haven't had a chance to catch up on the relevant literature. If someone is ahead of me, could you perhaps write up a one-page suggestion for a sensible replacement to section 7.1 of Hurley+?

LiekeVanSon commented 3 years ago

Hey Ilya, no problem, no hurry with this!

I understand that Hurley is using WR winds for low envelope masses, but the thing that troubles me here is that the Hurley-WR winds become dominant for a short period of time while there is still a significant envelope present (see pink line in 30 Msun plot above). Moreover while the envelope decreases, (so while we're getting closer to something WR-like) we switch back to RSG winds...? This is all caused by the WR winds not being metallicity dependend, hence WR winds dominate in weird places.

Personally I think it would be a safe update to just add the Z dependence (Z/Zsun)^0.86 from Vink & de Koter (2005) to the Hurley WR rate. But I understand how you also want to have a coherent plan for all of Hurley's section 7.1!

ilyamandel commented 1 year ago

@jmerritt1 , @SimonStevenson -- do you think there is value in providing an option to adjust the winds as in @LiekeVanSon 's last suggestion, or will this be supplanted by the new wind models, anyway?

ilyamandel commented 2 months ago

@SimonStevenson , @jmerritt1, @LiekeVanSon -- is this moot after the wind model update, or is it still relevant?

ilyamandel commented 1 month ago

Another ping for @SimonStevenson , @jmerritt1, @LiekeVanSon -- is this still an issue after the wind model update, or is it resolved?

LiekeVanSon commented 1 month ago

Hi Ilya, sorry for the delay, I thought this issue was solved in the previous COMPAS version by adopting metallicity dependent WR winds (CalculateMassLossRateWolfRayetZDependent) as the default option.

I think this issue might be back in the new wind prescription, in particular because the Beasor RSG winds are much weaker than old RSG winds. see orange before the lemon green appearing in the gifs below:

HR_v02_46_01__M30_Dominant_Wind HR_v02_46_01__M40_Dominant_Wind

But also Fig. 1 in JD's overleaf draft seems to show that WR winds dominate before RSG winds?

@jmerritt1 and @SimonStevenson, maybe a check for envelope mass in the dominant wind prescription would be the best solution? I.e. don't allow WR wind to be the dominant wind mass loss prescription if the star still has a significant envelope on top.