COMPAS rapid binary population synthesis code
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DOCKER - Logfile record specifications error & command typos in the example pythonSubmit files #680

Closed HeloiseS closed 2 years ago

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

This issue is submitted as part of the JOSS review #3838

:bug: description

The typo

so I was testing running compas in a docker image (it all installed beautifully, very easy) and i got the following error [Abridged] Commandline Options error: unrecognised option '--common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-surive'

I used one of your original pythonSubmit files to run this (the one in examples/*/chirpmass_distribution), and when i go look in the file it does seem that the commands and the python variables associated with --common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-survive all have that typo in them (surive instead of survive). Same for the pythonSubmitDemo from looking at the github.

The log file

After correcting the typo in the command I ran it again and got the following [Abridged]

Logfile record specifications error
File does not exist: /app/COMPAS/COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt

I couldn't figure out why it wasn't happy, the COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt is in the directory where i got the pythonSubmit file :shrug: - I'll need your help to fix this one :)

The Command I ran

sudo docker run                                                      
-v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs:/app/COMPAS/logs                      
-v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/examples/methods_paper_plots/chirpmass_distribution/       
-e COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/logs             
python3 /app/starts/

Full outputs

Full Output Bug 1

python_version = 3
/app/COMPAS/bin/COMPAS --enable-warnings False --use-mass-loss  --mass-transfer  --detailed-output False --evolve-unbound-systems False --population-data-printing False --rlof-printing  --circularise-binary-during-mass-transfer False --angular-momentum-conservation-during-circularisation False --pair-instability-supernovae  --pulsational-pair-instability  --quiet False --common-envelope-allow-main-sequence-survive  --common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-surive False --common-envelope-allow-immediate-rlof-post-ce-survive False --evolve-pulsars False --debug-to-file False --errors-to-file False --allow-rlof-at-birth  --allow-touching-at-birth False --switch-log False --check-photon-tiring-limit False --number-of-systems 100 --metallicity 0.0142 --common-envelope-alpha 1.0 --common-envelope-lambda 0.1 --common-envelope-slope-kruckow -0.8333333333333334 --common-envelope-alpha-thermal 1.0 --common-envelope-lambda-multiplier 1.0 --luminous-blue-variable-multiplier 1.5 --overall-wind-mass-loss-multiplier 1.0 --wolf-rayet-multiplier 1.0 --cool-wind-mass-loss-multiplier 1.0 --mass-transfer-fa 0.5 --mass-transfer-jloss 1.0 --maximum-evolution-time 13700.0 --maximum-number-timestep-iterations 99999 --timestep-multiplier 1.0 --initial-mass-min 10.0 --initial-mass-max 150.0 --initial-mass-power 0.0 --semi-major-axis-min 0.01 --semi-major-axis-max 1000.0 --mass-ratio-min 0.01 --mass-ratio-max 1.0 --minimum-secondary-mass 0.1 --eccentricity-min 0.0 --eccentricity-max 1.0 --metallicity-min 0.0001 --metallicity-max 0.03 --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution-min 11.0 --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution-max 13.0 --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution-min 10.0 --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution-max 100.0 --pulsar-magnetic-field-decay-timescale 1000.0 --pulsar-magnetic-field-decay-massscale 0.025 --pulsar-minimum-magnetic-field 8.0 --orbital-period-min 1.1 --orbital-period-max 1000 --kick-magnitude-sigma-CCSN-NS 265.0 --kick-magnitude-sigma-CCSN-BH 265.0 --fix-dimensionless-kick-magnitude -1 --kick-direction-power 0.0 --random-seed 0 --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-C 10.0 --eddington-accretion-factor 1 --pisn-lower-limit 60.0 --pisn-upper-limit 135.0 --ppi-lower-limit 35.0 --ppi-upper-limit 60.0 --maximum-neutron-star-mass 2.5 --kick-magnitude-sigma-ECSN 30.0 --kick-magnitude-sigma-USSN 30.0 --kick-scaling-factor 1.0 --maximum-mass-donor-nandez-ivanova 2.0 --common-envelope-recombination-energy-density 15000000000000.0 --common-envelope-mass-accretion-max 0.1 --common-envelope-mass-accretion-min 0.04 --zeta-main-sequence 2.0 --zeta-radiative-envelope-giant 6.5 --kick-magnitude-max -1.0 --muller-mandel-kick-multiplier-BH 200.0 --muller-mandel-kick-multiplier-NS 400.0 --log-level 0 --debug-level 0 --hdf5-chunk-size 100000 --hdf5-buffer-size 1 --neutrino-mass-loss-BH-formation-value 0.1 --mode BSE --case-BB-stability-prescription ALWAYS_STABLE --chemically-homogeneous-evolution PESSIMISTIC --luminous-blue-variable-prescription HURLEY_ADD --mass-loss-prescription VINK --mass-transfer-angular-momentum-loss-prescription ISOTROPIC --mass-transfer-accretion-efficiency-prescription THERMAL --mass-transfer-rejuvenation-prescription STARTRACK --initial-mass-function KROUPA --semi-major-axis-distribution FLATINLOG --orbital-period-distribution FLATINLOG --mass-ratio-distribution FLAT --eccentricity-distribution ZERO --metallicity-distribution ZSOLAR --rotational-velocity-distribution ZERO --remnant-mass-prescription FRYER2012 --fryer-supernova-engine DELAYED --black-hole-kicks FALLBACK --kick-magnitude-distribution MAXWELLIAN --kick-direction ISOTROPIC --output-path /app/COMPAS/logs --common-envelope-lambda-prescription LAMBDA_NANJING --stellar-zeta-prescription SOBERMAN --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-accretor CFACTOR --pulsational-pair-instability-prescription FARMER --neutron-star-equation-of-state SSE --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution ZERO --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution ZERO --common-envelope-mass-accretion-prescription ZERO --envelope-state-prescription LEGACY --logfile-type HDF5 --logfile-definitions /app/COMPAS/COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt --neutrino-mass-loss-BH-formation FIXED_MASS --add-options-to-sysparms GRID

Commandline Options error: unrecognised option '--common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-surive'
Use option '-h' (or '--help') to see (descriptions of) available options

Full Output bug 2

python_version = 3
/app/COMPAS/bin/COMPAS --enable-warnings False --use-mass-loss  --mass-transfer  --detailed-output False --evolve-unbound-systems False --population-data-printing False --rlof-printing  --circularise-binary-during-mass-transfer False --angular-momentum-conservation-during-circularisation False --pair-instability-supernovae  --pulsational-pair-instability  --quiet False --common-envelope-allow-main-sequence-survive  --common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-survive False --common-envelope-allow-immediate-rlof-post-ce-survive False --evolve-pulsars False --debug-to-file False --errors-to-file False --allow-rlof-at-birth  --allow-touching-at-birth False --switch-log False --check-photon-tiring-limit False --number-of-systems 100 --metallicity 0.0142 --common-envelope-alpha 1.0 --common-envelope-lambda 0.1 --common-envelope-slope-kruckow -0.8333333333333334 --common-envelope-alpha-thermal 1.0 --common-envelope-lambda-multiplier 1.0 --luminous-blue-variable-multiplier 1.5 --overall-wind-mass-loss-multiplier 1.0 --wolf-rayet-multiplier 1.0 --cool-wind-mass-loss-multiplier 1.0 --mass-transfer-fa 0.5 --mass-transfer-jloss 1.0 --maximum-evolution-time 13700.0 --maximum-number-timestep-iterations 99999 --timestep-multiplier 1.0 --initial-mass-min 10.0 --initial-mass-max 150.0 --initial-mass-power 0.0 --semi-major-axis-min 0.01 --semi-major-axis-max 1000.0 --mass-ratio-min 0.01 --mass-ratio-max 1.0 --minimum-secondary-mass 0.1 --eccentricity-min 0.0 --eccentricity-max 1.0 --metallicity-min 0.0001 --metallicity-max 0.03 --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution-min 11.0 --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution-max 13.0 --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution-min 10.0 --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution-max 100.0 --pulsar-magnetic-field-decay-timescale 1000.0 --pulsar-magnetic-field-decay-massscale 0.025 --pulsar-minimum-magnetic-field 8.0 --orbital-period-min 1.1 --orbital-period-max 1000 --kick-magnitude-sigma-CCSN-NS 265.0 --kick-magnitude-sigma-CCSN-BH 265.0 --fix-dimensionless-kick-magnitude -1 --kick-direction-power 0.0 --random-seed 0 --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-C 10.0 --eddington-accretion-factor 1 --pisn-lower-limit 60.0 --pisn-upper-limit 135.0 --ppi-lower-limit 35.0 --ppi-upper-limit 60.0 --maximum-neutron-star-mass 2.5 --kick-magnitude-sigma-ECSN 30.0 --kick-magnitude-sigma-USSN 30.0 --kick-scaling-factor 1.0 --maximum-mass-donor-nandez-ivanova 2.0 --common-envelope-recombination-energy-density 15000000000000.0 --common-envelope-mass-accretion-max 0.1 --common-envelope-mass-accretion-min 0.04 --zeta-main-sequence 2.0 --zeta-radiative-envelope-giant 6.5 --kick-magnitude-max -1.0 --muller-mandel-kick-multiplier-BH 200.0 --muller-mandel-kick-multiplier-NS 400.0 --log-level 0 --debug-level 0 --hdf5-chunk-size 100000 --hdf5-buffer-size 1 --neutrino-mass-loss-BH-formation-value 0.1 --mode BSE --case-BB-stability-prescription ALWAYS_STABLE --chemically-homogeneous-evolution PESSIMISTIC --luminous-blue-variable-prescription HURLEY_ADD --mass-loss-prescription VINK --mass-transfer-angular-momentum-loss-prescription ISOTROPIC --mass-transfer-accretion-efficiency-prescription THERMAL --mass-transfer-rejuvenation-prescription STARTRACK --initial-mass-function KROUPA --semi-major-axis-distribution FLATINLOG --orbital-period-distribution FLATINLOG --mass-ratio-distribution FLAT --eccentricity-distribution ZERO --metallicity-distribution ZSOLAR --rotational-velocity-distribution ZERO --remnant-mass-prescription FRYER2012 --fryer-supernova-engine DELAYED --black-hole-kicks FALLBACK --kick-magnitude-distribution MAXWELLIAN --kick-direction ISOTROPIC --output-path /app/COMPAS/logs --common-envelope-lambda-prescription LAMBDA_NANJING --stellar-zeta-prescription SOBERMAN --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-accretor CFACTOR --pulsational-pair-instability-prescription FARMER --neutron-star-equation-of-state SSE --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution ZERO --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution ZERO --common-envelope-mass-accretion-prescription ZERO --envelope-state-prescription LEGACY --logfile-type HDF5 --logfile-definitions /app/COMPAS/COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt --neutrino-mass-loss-BH-formation FIXED_MASS --add-options-to-sysparms GRID

Logfile record specifications error
File does not exist: /app/COMPAS/COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt

COMPAS v02.25.03
Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics and Statistics
by Team COMPAS (
A binary star simulator
jeffriley commented 2 years ago

Thanks Heloise! The funny thing is I noticed the typo in the C++ code - and fixed it - but I didn't think to look in pythonSubmit. My guess is the author of that new part of the code copy-and-pasted from the C++ code before I noticed the typo and fixed it.

We'll push a fix.

@ilyamandel fyi. We also should get the documentation for the new option online.

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

Aces. What about the log file record error? What did I do wrong or miss out?

ilyamandel commented 2 years ago

Hi @HeloiseS, surive is entirely my fault -- I made a typo in the latest version that I committed on Monday. Thanks, @jeffriley!
BTW, do you want to review the living code or a particular tag (we tagged v02.21.00, which is the reference version for the ApJS submission)?

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

Aces. What about the log file record error? What did I do wrong or miss out?

Sorry - forgot to get back t o that. I'll take a look later tonight or tomorrow.

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

@ilyamandel that's interesting. How did you end up with 4 identical typos across 2 files? did you accidentally upload old versions? You don't really need to asnwer here, the reason I'm asking is that ideally one would want to avoid that sort of stuff from happening and if it does (because we're all human after all) to get caught before it gets on the release branch, which brings me to continuous integration and unitest: one of JOSS boxes we'll have to discuss. Unitesting a giant C++ star evolution code might not be practical, but having a system to avoid that sort of bug in the surrounding applications (particularly the ones used to run it) would be important.

As for what version I'm reviewing: the living code :) currently on compas 2.25 I believe.

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

How did you end up with 4 identical typos across 2 files?

That would be partly my fault :-) @ilya updated preProcessing/, and presumably copy-pasted the incorrectly spelled option name from the C++ source. Later I noticed thetypo in the C++ source and fixe it, but didn't realise it had been copy-pasted to preProcessing/ While making some mods to the pythonSubmit files in the examples directories, I thought I'd add the new options to those pyhtonSubmit files, so I copy-pasted the new (incorrectly spelled) options from preProcessing/

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

I couldn't figure out why it wasn't happy, the COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt is in the directory where i got the pythonSubmit file

That's the problem. When COMPAS is run in a docker image, it picks up the environment variables COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH and COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH.

$COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH points to the directory to which the log files are written (so for COMPAS output files) $COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH points to the directory from which the grid file and logfile-definitions files are read (so for COMPAS input files) is not a COMPAS input file, so it (probably) won't be in $COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH (so putting the logfile-definitions file in the same directory as almost certainly means it (the logfile-definitions file) is in the wrong directory (or at least is in a directory COMPAS doesn't know to look in). The COMPAS executable knows nothing about - all does is construct the command line to execute COMPAS, and then executes it. COMPAS, now running, goes and looks in $COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH for its input files (grid and log-file-definitions), and puts its output in $COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH

So the command you should run for docker is:

sudo docker run                                                      
-v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs:/app/COMPAS/logs                      
-e COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/config        
-e COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/logs             
python3 /app/starts/

(where /app/COMPAS/config is the directory COMPAS will look in to find the grid file and/or the logfile-definitions file)

Not your fault of course - our example doesn't show it, because it doesn't use a grid file or a logfile-definitions file. I'll make a note to update the example.

Thanks for finding the omission :-)

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

I still get the same error so I have some follow up questions:

Where is COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt meant to go?

goes and looks in $COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH

Where is that? I went into the pythonSumbit file (I remembered seeing it in there) and there is a nicely detailed comment (see below), that I thought meant I was supposed to have the COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt in the current working directory, but I still got the same error.

    # environment variable COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH is used primarily for docker runs
    # if COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH is set (!= None) it is prepended to input filenames
    # (such as grid_filename and logfile_definitions)
    # if COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH is not set (== None) the current working directory
    # is prepended to input filenames

So let's get back to basics: 1) Where am i supposed to be? I assumed i could be anywhere on my computer given the environment variable points to compas, but maybe for the config files i need to be in a specific location? 2) What really is going on with COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH and COMPAS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH in this case? It looks like we are defining them in the command (and i actually removed the -e COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/config at one point thinking, maybe if i didn't set it it would default to looking ind my cwd), but that looks like a location in the docker image not on my computer so I'm a tad confused.

COMPAS_Outputs tucked away in compas-log

I initially copied the output definitions to $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs (i don't know what i was trying to achieve :rofl:). It made me realise that running docker created a directory compas-log in my $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR that is locked (I am mainly a GUI user, and I see a little lock on the directory picture), the permisions were: drwxr-xr-x. I also realised that it wasn't empty!

I found a COMPAS_Output folder with the results from the docker run i did with the command line (btw I might as well tell you know, but I think the docs need updating because the command --number-of-binaries=5 gave me an error saying that it didn't exist, I replaced it with --number-of-systems and it ran :ok_hand:

Some Questions

ilyamandel commented 2 years ago

PR #681 fixes the surive->survive typos and updates the documentation to include the new introduced CE options. I leave the other questions for @jeffriley . :)

Aside: @jeffriley , do we still need the documentation in docs (rather than docs/online-docs)? For example, is out of date [see, e.g., reference to non-existing .pdf file in the final paragraph] -- but rather than updating it (and always remembering that we have two versions to update), should we just delete it?

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

do we still need the documentation in docs (rather than docs/online-docs)? For example, is out of date

I'd be happy to remove them, otherwise, as you say, we'd have to keep them in sync with the online documentation - they were created by @reinhold-willcox and @themikelau I think, so they might have an opinion.

themikelau commented 2 years ago

Happy to get rid of the documents in the docs directory as long as we have made sure we don't refer to them anywhere.

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

Where is COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt meant to go? goes and looks in $COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH Where is that?

There are two separate concepts here.

First, COMPAS needs to know where to look for its input files (grid file, logfile-definitions file), and it needs to know where to put its output (log) files.

The default for both of these is CWD.

COMPAS provides a program option (command-line argument) to specify the path to be used for output files: --ouput-path

./compas --mode BSE -n 1000 --output-path path-to-where-user-wants-logfiles

There is no program option to specify the directory in which the input files reside (maybe there should be - never thought about it until now), so if the user wants the input files in a specific directory, they need to use a fully-qualified filename when the specify the input files:

./compas --mode BSE -n 1000 --output-path path-to-where-user-wants-logfiles --grid fully-qualified-path-to-grid-file  --logfile-definitions fully-qualified-path-to-logfile-definitions-file

So that's how COMPAS manages input and output files. will use the following environment variables if they are set:


If COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH is set, will prepend it to any input filenames specified (grid file, logfile-definitions file). If COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH is NOT set, will prepend the CWD to any input filenames specified (grid file, logfile-definitions file) - not strictly necessary, because the COMPAS executable will default to the CWD anyway.

If COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH is set, use $COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH as the value for the '--output-path' program option. If COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH is NOT set, will use the CWD as the value for the '--output-path' program option - not strictly necessary, because the COMPAS executable will default to the CWD anyway.

Second, COMPAS can be run on a physical machine, or in a VM using the docker image.

The user can't put the input files in a directory in the VM, nor can they access the output (log) files in a directory in the VM (directly, anyway). We have to map a directory on a physical machine to a directory in the VM. That's what the "-v" options to the 'docker run' command do.

-v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs:/app/COMPAS/logs 

maps the directory $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs on a physical system to the /app/COMPAS/logs directory in the VM.

Putting both of those together should help explain the 'docker run' options, and where the files should be.

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

Why are the permissions different on those directories than the ones created via not-docker

I hadn't noticed. It's probably something docker does (I haven't checked), but certainly after the docker run is finished you can freely change the permission to whatever suits you

What's the time recorded in the log files?

The time of the run in Run_Details? That's the time on the system used to run COMPAS. We set the timezone in our docker images to UTC/GMT, which would explain what you're seeing (NZDT is UTC+13 I think). We did that because our docker image can be run anywhere - I've done a number of runs on AWS with 32 nodes, and those nodes were in the US somewhere (may have even been across timezones), so recording local time wouldn't make sense.

ilyamandel commented 2 years ago

Since there are now multiple threads here, I opened up docs/ cleaning as a separate issue, #686 .

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the detailed explenation @jeffriley now the docker command makes complete sense - it still doesn't work :laughing: but i can start asking questions more confidently:

If COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH is NOT set, will prepend the CWD to any input filenames specified

Okay that's what i thought, and I did make sure the COMPAS_Output_definitions.txt was in my CWD. I haven't set COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH, I put nothing in my .bashrc, and i checked that doing$COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH in my shell gives me nothing, so I think it's fair to assume it will default.

So why isn't it seeing the COMPAS_Output_definitions.txt that's in my cwd? I don't know if it'll help but here is the directory i'm running things in

fste075@kvin:~/Documents/reviews/COMPAS$ ls -al
total 204
drwxr-xr-x 4 fste075 62215   4096 Nov  4 17:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 fste075 62215   4096 Oct 30 13:40 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 fste075 62215 166138 Oct 30 13:56 10.21105.joss.03838.pdf
drwxr-xr-x 3 fste075 62215   4096 Nov  4 15:54 COMPAS_Output
drwxr-xr-x 2 fste075 62215   4096 Nov  3 16:51 COMPAS_Output_2
-rw-r--r-- 1 fste075 62215   1319 Oct 30 14:07 COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 fste075 62215  16526 Nov  4 17:45 review.log

but certainly after the docker run is finished you can freely change the permission to whatever suits you

The time of the run in Run_Details? That's the time on the system used to run COMPAS. We set the timezone in our docker images to UTC/GMT, which would explain what you're seeing (NZDT is UTC+13 I think). We did that because our docker image can be run anywhere - I've done a number of runs on AWS with 32 nodes, and those nodes were in the US somewhere (may have even been across timezones), so recording local time wouldn't make sense.

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

So why isn't it seeing the COMPAS_Output_definitions.txt that's in my cwd?

Are you running on your physical system, or using a docker image? Can you share the command you are using to run?

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

Docker: I'm using the command you gave me the other day :)

sudo docker run   --rm  -it  -v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs:/app/COMPAS/logs  -v  $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/examples/methods_paper_plots/chirpmass_distribution/ -e COMPAS_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/app/COMPAS/bin/COMPAS -e COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/config -e COMPAS_
jeffriley commented 2 years ago

This is my fault - sorry.

Your command is this:

sudo docker run                                                      
-v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs:/app/COMPAS/logs                      
-e COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/config        
-e COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/logs             
python3 /app/starts/

The command-line argument:

-v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs:/app/COMPAS/logs   

maps the VM directory /app/COMPAS/logs to the directory $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs on your physical system. And the argument:


sets the environment variable COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH in the VM to /app/COMPAS/logs, so COMPAS will write its log files to /app/COMPAS/logs in the VM, which is mapped to $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs, so the COMPAS logs will be in the directory $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs on your physical system

This command-line argument:


sets the environment variable COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH in the VM to /app/COMPAS/config, so COMPAS (via will look in /app/COMPAS/config in the VM for any grid file or logfile-definitions file, but we haven't mapped that directory anywhere!

Sorry, this is my fault - I didn't look carefully enough when I added the command-line argument:


I should have added this mapping (I assumed it was there - I don't know why):

-v directory-on-physical-system-for-input-files:/app/COMPAS/config

where "directory-on-physical-system-for-input-files" should be (in this case) "~/Documents/reviews/COMPAS" (or the path to the directory on t he physical system in which the logfile-definitions file resides)

So the "input" directory and the "output" directory both need the respective environment variable set, and a mapping physical->virtual.

Sorry - I should have paid closer attention when I answered the question initially.

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

lmao :rofl: I'm going insane it's still not working.

I think i had an epiphany!!!

=> the error is File does not exist: /app/COMPAS/COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt so from what i understand it's not even looking in /app/COMPAS/config it's looking in /app/COMPAS/... so is there a problem in the pythonSubmit where it's not making the command properly to look in the config directory?

It would make sense if the python file was the problem actually because i ran docker no problem with the command line version

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

so is there a problem in the pythonSubmit where it's not making the command properly to look in the config directory?

It would seem so...

So, the version of the file I'm looking at has:

compas_input_path_override = os.environ.get('COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH')


if logfile_definitions != None:
    # if the grid filename supplied is already fully-qualified, leave it as is
    head, tail = ntpath.split(logfile_definitions)          # split into pathname and base filename

    if head == '' or head == '.':                           # no path (or CWD) - add path as required
        logfile_definitions = tail or ntpath.basename(head)
        if compas_input_path_override == None:
            logfile_definitions = os.getcwd() + '/' + logfile_definitions.strip("'\"")
            logfile_definitions = compas_input_path_override + '/' + logfile_definitions.strip("'\"")

Leaving aside the typo (# if the grid filename supplied), that should prepend whatever is in the environment variable COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH to the logfile-definitions file name.

Oh wait... that will fail if the logfile-definitions file already has a path prepended to it. Hmmm. Might have to rethink that code. So, if the logfile-definitions file (and the grid file if you use one), is not just a bare filename, then you should make it one (i.e. no path prepended), and use the environment variable to prepend the path.

So what does the logfile-definitions filename look like in your pythonSubmit file? (Also grid file name)

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

SORRY FOR THE SPAM - realised i misread something so just reposting the correct information

TL;DR: logfile_definitions is okay I think and pythonSubmit broken in 2.25?

[----see below----]

The python error

I tried running the pythonSubmit file alone (it's the one in chirpmassDistributions btw) to try and print you the logfile_definitions but :musical_note: it faiiiiled :musical_note: did y'all update the commands again? I hadn't rerun the files since 2.24 but it seems there's extra stuff in v2.25 Commandline Options error: unrecognised option '--common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-survive'

This command doens't exist in your user manual, so (without looking at the PR) I'm assuming it came form the recent update - both my pythonSubmit and pythonSubmitDemo have it and don't run.

I tried removing the problematic command and there is another one that's causing me grief --common-envelope-allow-immediate-rlof-post-ce-survive. I rebuilt the c++ because altho I pulled the new PR I hadn't run the makefile again... stil broken. When i git pull, does it know if the c++ has changed? I'm wondering if maybe it jsut didn't get the updated src

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

UPDATE: logfile_definitions = /home/fste075/COMPAS/examples/methods_paper_plots/detailed_evolution/COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt

My bad I copied stuff form the wrong pythonSubmit. Above was pythonSubmitDemo, the pythonSubmit in chirpmassDistribution DOES have logfile_definitions = "COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt" and therefore the logfile_definitions come out as i expected. Huzza!

Still docker doesn't work hahah.

here is the code you asked for from the correct file this time

    grid_filename = None                                        # grid file name (e.g. 'mygrid.txt')

    if grid_filename != None:
        # if the grid filename supplied is already fully-qualified, leave it as is
        head, tail = ntpath.split(grid_filename)                # split into pathname and base filename

        if head == '' or head == '.':                           # no path (or CWD) - add path as required
            grid_filename = tail or ntpath.basename(head)
            if compas_input_path_override == None:
                grid_filename = os.getcwd() + '/' + grid_filename.strip("'\"")
                grid_filename = compas_input_path_override + '/' + grid_filename.strip("'\"")

    logfile_definitions = "COMPAS_Output_Definitions.txt"       # logfile record definitions file name (e.g. 'logdefs.txt')

    if logfile_definitions != None:
        # if the grid filename supplied is already fully-qualified, leave it as is
        head, tail = ntpath.split(logfile_definitions)          # split into pathname and base filename

        if head == '' or head == '.':                           # no path (or CWD) - add path as required
            logfile_definitions = tail or ntpath.basename(head)
            if compas_input_path_override == None:
                logfile_definitions = os.getcwd() + '/' + logfile_definitions.strip("'\"")
                logfile_definitions = compas_input_path_override + '/' + logfile_definitions.strip("'\"")
jeffriley commented 2 years ago

--common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-survive and --common-envelope-allow-immediate-rlof-post-ce-survive are in the online documentation:

You may need to reload the page - you could still have the old version in your browser cache (we updated it a couple of days ago).

Ok, the pythonSubmit looks ok. Does your docker command include the mapping? I know you have already put the docker command here, but can you do it again (because you should have added to it since the last time). Then I'll have everything I need to try to reproduce what you're seeing.

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

You may need to reload the page - you could still have the old version in your browser cache (we updated it a couple of days ago).

you're right :)

Still why does it error? Do I need to manually redownload the c++ code before I remake it?

I know you have already put the docker command here, but can you do it again (because you should have added to it since the last time).

No problem here it is.

sudo docker run   --rm  -it  -v $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/compas-logs:/app/COMPAS/logs  -v  $COMPAS_ROOT_DIR/examples/methods_paper_plots/chirpmass_distribution/ -e COMPAS_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/app/COMPAS/bin/COMPAS -e COMPAS_INPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/config -v ~/Documents/reviews/COMPAS=/app/COMPAS/config -e COMPAS_LOGS_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH=/app/COMPAS/logs teamcompas/compas python3 /app/starts/
jeffriley commented 2 years ago

Still why does it error? Do I need to manually redownload the c++ code before I remake it?

You need to do something like 'git pull upstream dev' (depending upon how you've set things up. 'git remote -v' will tell you what upstream and origin etc are pointing to).

I'll look at the docker problem later. Do you get the same error?

HeloiseS commented 2 years ago

facepalm it's not missing.... I typed a = instead of the : in -v ~/Documents/reviews/COMPAS=/app/COMPAS/config I'm so sorry!!!!

anyways it worked!!

okay i have completely lost track of what needs updating in the manual - I trust you haven't? What I can do is that when the review is pretty much complete i can delete compas off my computer and then rerun everything clean just to double check.

But for now it's done! woohoo thanks a bunch :)

You need to do something like 'git pull upstream dev' (depending upon how you've set things up. 'git remote -v' will tell you what upstream and origin etc are pointing to).

I'll try to fix that later.

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

anyways it worked!!


okay i have completely lost track of what needs updating in the manual - I trust you haven't?

Yeah, I think I know what needs updating!

ilyamandel commented 2 years ago

@jeffriley -- are there specific instructions that still need updating from this issue? If not, can we close the issue?

ilyamandel commented 2 years ago

@jeffriley -- see my question above; this issue ended up in a sufficiently long discussion that I can't figure out if there's actually a TODO item here. :)

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

@ilyamandel I'll look through this and close/take action as appropriate

jeffriley commented 2 years ago

Documentation changes for docker issues in PR #724

@ilyamandel We should address the multiple pythonsubmit files - but maybe that can be address as part of the pythonsubmit refactor (PR #720)?