TeamChocoQuest / ChocolateQuestRepoured

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World crashes when trying to log into it #266

Closed BIG-Viljo closed 3 years ago

BIG-Viljo commented 3 years ago

Common sense Info To check a checkbox: Insert a lower case X between the square brackets, you need to remove the space though.

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Bug crashes world every time when trying to connect after triggering it. It didn't happen until beta 4 arrived. Yesterday, the day before releasing new beta, everything was working just fine.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Find Necromancer (or spawn one using commands/spawn egg)
  2. Wait until he uses one of his summoning attacks (I am not sure which one specifically, either blindness, skeletons or fangs)
  3. One of these attacks should trigger the crash

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. After doing what is described above, the world should crash. Trying to reconnect crashes the world instantly.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Triggering the bug: When trying to reconnect:

Other Please note: log files and crash reports should be uploaded as a FILE and not as a copy paste of the text of it here. Upload the file to a site like pastebin or similar and link it here!!

DerToaster98 commented 3 years ago

Caused by an untested feature being in the code which i forgot. Patch update will be published on tuesday or saturday.

DerToaster98 commented 3 years ago

Release 2.4.1 and later have a fix for this