TeamChocoQuest / ChocolateQuestRepoured

ChocolateQuest Re-poured!
75 stars 25 forks source link

I play with hexxit updated a mod pack with 90 mods so little large, the issue occurs in both, it was not previously reported. I am using the latest version of the mods. The issue is that the knight htat is sitting down that we can trade wtih turns my whole screen green and makes it unplayable and crashing my whole game. #282

Closed lolsnman closed 3 years ago

lolsnman commented 3 years ago

Common sense Info To check a checkbox: Insert a lower case X between the square brackets, you need to remove the space though.

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Use item '....'
  3. Place block '....' . . .
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Other Please note: log files and crash reports should be uploaded as a FILE and not as a copy paste of the text of it here. Upload the file to a site like pastebin or similar and link it here!!

DerToaster98 commented 3 years ago

What the actual …

1) WHY on earth is the title so long? 2) Mod version is? 3) Crash report? 4) Steps to reproduce?

Seriously though: is it so hard to use common sense to fill this out? It is not that difficult.

anyway, „latest“ for mod version is wrong, that modpack was last updated on the 23rd of march. Last cqr update went live on the 27th of april. Also your problem is not reproducible.

DerToaster98 commented 3 years ago

Oh and in the case you still believe that that bug exists, here is some footage showing the opposite:

TheHolyTopBob commented 3 years ago

I think his game is soft-locked or something. Which I don't think would produce a crash report. But he should send the mod version, how to reproduce etc. And try playing without the other mods.

TheHolyTopBob commented 3 years ago

wait its not updated

TheHolyTopBob commented 3 years ago
