TeamDman / Zen-Summoning

A mod that allows for pack creators to set up custom summoning situations using ZenScript
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IllegalAccessError when trying to check for blocks in world #34

Closed Partonetrain closed 1 year ago

Partonetrain commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to check for certain blocks in the world through some clever scripting, like so:

import mods.zensummoning.SummoningDirector;
import mods.zensummoning.SummoningAttempt;
import mods.zensummoning.SummoningInfo;
import mods.zensummoning.MobInfo;

import crafttweaker.api.block.Block;
import crafttweaker.api.util.math.BlockPos;

        .setMutator((attempt as SummoningAttempt) => {
            if (CheckBlocks(attempt, 0, -1, 0) == <block:minecraft:iron_block>)  {
                attempt.success = false;
                attempt.message = "Need an iron block!";
            } else {
                attempt.message = "Woohoo!";

function CheckBlocks(attempt as SummoningAttempt, x as int, y as int, z as int) as Block{
    return ((, y, z)).block));

But this crashes the game:

Error: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class j_util_function_Consumer_1 tried to access method ' scripts.summons.CheckBlocks(ca.teamdman.zensummoning.common.summoning.SummoningAttempt, int, int, int)' (j_util_function_Consumer_1 and scripts.summons are in unnamed module of loader org.openzen.zenscript.javabytecode.JavaBytecodeRunUnit$ScriptClassLoader @132ba2ab)

I recognize this is probably not an intended feature of the mod, but it would be really nice to have. Let me know if there's a better way to do this, or if I shouldn't be trying at all :P

TeamDman commented 1 year ago

This is definitely an intended feature, seems the problem is that the mutator lambda can't see the method.


I was able to get it to work with this

import mods.zensummoning.SummoningDirector;
import mods.zensummoning.SummoningAttempt;
import mods.zensummoning.SummoningInfo;
import mods.zensummoning.MobInfo;

import crafttweaker.api.block.Block;
import crafttweaker.api.util.math.BlockPos;

        .setMutator((attempt as SummoningAttempt) => {
            if (,-1,0)).block != <block:minecraft:iron_block>) {
                attempt.success = false;
                attempt.message = "Need an iron block!";
            } else {
                attempt.message = "Woohoo!";

(I also fixed the equality check in the if statement)

LMK if still has issues :D