TeamFAPS / PSVita-RE-tools

A bundle of RE tools for analyzing and modding PSVita OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create better open source makeSelf for PC #4

Closed chaoskagami closed 6 years ago

chaoskagami commented 6 years ago

Trying to port the stupid Utawarerumono resolution hack for my personal use. It's impossible in the current state.

Namely, the readme makes clear you need the SDK leak make_fself.exe, and this is not sane, advisable, and also won't work unless it's run under WINE for Linux people.

Aside from this, coughrot13cough Guvf frrzf gb erdhver gur 3.55 FQX yrnx, juvpu V pnaabg sbe gur yvsr bs zr svaq. Gur byqre LYbQ yrnx pna or sbhaq, ohg znxr_sfrys.rkr sebz gurer vf vafhssvpvrag naq chxrf jvgu 'REEBE: guvf svyr vf CEK2 sbezng, ohg cebtenz frtzrag vf CEK sbezng' naq qbrfa'g cebivqr gur -p bcgvba.

Long and short, is there any other method I can use such as building with vita-make-fself and copying stuff from the SCE ELF header from the original eboot.bin?

CelesteBlue-dev commented 6 years ago

have you tried using instead of make_fself.exe : vita-make-fself.exe -c myelf.elf out.self then following the normal steps ?

dots-tb commented 6 years ago

We were making an opensourced make_fself, but the padding is made incorrectly. I do not know how to replicate the original padding of make_fself @chaoskagami , I guess we could make a version that takes the original sce_header and copies it to an ELF, if you'd like that.

TheRadziu commented 6 years ago

@chaoskagami you can use make_fself linked in nonpdrm modding tutorial, works just fine with fagdec generated ELFs or unself'ed ELF:

Keep in mind its a temporary solution until ELF injector comes out, when it does the preferred workflow will be:

  1. decrypt via FAGDec into SELF files
  2. use vita-unmake-fself on eboot to get ELF
  3. mod the eboot.bin.elf
  4. use ELF injector to inject modified elf back into self.
chaoskagami commented 6 years ago

@TheRadziu The point here is that requiring a tool by Sony that's illegal to possess without a developer contract is unacceptable. There needs to be another solution that doesn't involve usage of make_fself.exe. Aside from this, requiring WINE for Linux people to use this tool is absurdity.

coughrot13 againcoughV nyernql ybat fvapr svkrq gur ceboyrz ol svaqvat fbzr bofpher-nff zntarg naq fuerqqrq gur svyrf nsgrejneqf.

@CelesteBlue-dev According to the README, that doesn't work. Rather than waste my time testing, I assumed that the people here know what they're talking about.

@dots-tb That's probably the best way to go about it, I'd guess. As long as it doesn't require any illegal copyrighted content, I'm all for any solution here.

TheRadziu commented 6 years ago

As I said, this is a temporary solution until dots being stop distracted by the other projects. Elf injector will be the way to go. Should be open sourced thus, should be also compilable and usable on linux or mac.

dots-tb commented 6 years ago

@chaoskagami Please try it out. It should compile cross platform. ;)

EDIT: (just in case)