TeamForbiddenLLC / warfork-qfusion

Warfork is powered by Qfusion a 3D game engine. Qfusion is a fork of id Tech 2, popularly known as the Quake II engine. Qfusion is free and open-source software subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License.
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addition/subtraction with > and < signs in huds is always true (?) #383

Open Gauley123 opened 1 month ago

Gauley123 commented 1 month ago

if x + y < z where z is less than x + y, e.g. if 1 + 10 < 5 will always run even though x + y is not less than z to reproduce: put a file in basewf/huds/test.hud with this below and do cg_clientHUD test

setFontFamily con_fontSystem
setFontSize con_fontSystemSmall


setCursor #WIDTH / 2, #HEIGHT / 2
setFontSize 10 
if 2 + 4 < 3
    include crosshair

only happens with + or -, not * or /

GelmoSan — Today at 18:06 What if you use parenthesis I'm curious if these have different results:

if 2 + 4 < 3
    include crosshair
if 4 + 2 < 3
    include crosshair

gauley — Today at 18:22 if (2 + 4) < 3 still happens if (4 + 2) < 3 still happens

if 2 + 4 < 3 still happens if 4 + 2 < 3 still happens gonna make an issue about that still happens in warsow btw okay, greater than sign also is broken

Gelmo commented 1 month ago

I did a quick grep of official huds, and none of them use + in if statements. This must be a known issue from long ago