TeamFreeHugs / WhatsApp-Chatbot-2.0

This time it runs off electron so it's much cleaner to run
MIT License
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Robot does not return anything #2

Open krconnect opened 7 years ago

krconnect commented 7 years ago


When sending a message, there is no return. how should I proceed? error_whats4

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Ohhh.. Before sending messages you need to run setupBot(); in the console

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Seems like the send button isn't being pressed. I'll quickly fix this

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago Fixed! Run git pull to update

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode Hello, I made the change in the file lib / page / WhatsAppAPIPage.js, I made the call to setupBot (); And even then nothing happened, see the attachment. tks error_whats5

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

That's quite strange... I'll take a look into it, but I feel it may be windows related

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode Well, it's very strange, I'm thinking of using the old form, not version 2.0. Do you find it viable? I need to actually get what the person typed and write to the database.

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

You could use the old version, but you would need to copy and paste code repeatedly to test. Also, you do not have a direct connection to a database. Here, you can use require('mongo') straight from anywhere, even the dev console. Also, I've update to code in a new branch, could you git pull and then git checkout patch-loading-users to check it out?

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode Ah yes, this version got much better, easier to use and integration with mongo is fantastic. What do you need me to do?

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Could you try the patch on the new branch and let me know if it works?

krconnect commented 7 years ago

Do you want me to do what? sorry did not understand. ;(

krconnect commented 7 years ago

I already updated my files and tested, it did not work.

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Hmmm... Well until I get a windows machine, I can't test this. Maybe you could try to play with /lib/whatsapp-injector.js to get it to work, then submit a pull request

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Also, can you run git rev-parse HEAD and ensure it is 6849a074e2d2d452a3f399b7d77d9be34d3ea002 and not c55aa3b7053c6283c1248f1b95733be8f31e5855

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode I already tried calling this script directly and it also did not work. look that: error_whats6

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode I deleted everything and downloaded the file again: And yet it did not work out.

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Actually, you should use git clone instead. Maybe that's why it didn't work.

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode I'll do it that way then and I'll let you know, I did not think it could influence.

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode I found the error my friend. Is getting the wrong version. How do I get the correct version? error_whats9

krconnect commented 7 years ago


I downloaded the version you said and it did not work. I tested it on two computers.

krconnect commented 7 years ago

@eyeballcode No console.log is displayed! error_whats4

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Here console.log is context dependent. For printing you should process.stdout.write

eyeballcode commented 7 years ago

Also, to switch to the new branch use git checkout patch-loading-users

monteirosk commented 6 years ago

Dont work captura de tela 2017-10-02 as 15 55 55

sanjayradadiya commented 6 years ago

@monteirosk this is raised due to whatsapp web version is updated so dom related configuration is old in this repo that need to fixed soon.