TeamGalacticraft / Galacticraft

The classic space mod, rewritten for modern versions of Minecraft.
MIT License
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Solar panel stores negative energy at night #208

Open deltanedas opened 2 years ago

deltanedas commented 2 years ago

Mod Loader


Version Information


Log or Crash Report

not a crash

Reproduction steps

  1. place solar panel (in overworld)
  2. connect to an energy storage, maybe important
  3. /time set night
  4. power drains into the negatives


also minor nitpick, inconsistent use of gJ (galacticraft joules) and Gj (giga lowercase j), also saw G GJ (giga gigajoules) in the lang file but this was probably fixed recently with the crowdin stuff

g307m commented 2 years ago

Yep, a check for if it's night would be good.

g307m commented 2 years ago

Unless if I'm stupid and it's already there.

glowiak commented 2 years ago

How did you launch it?

glowiak commented 2 years ago

Can you share the mod jars?

glowiak commented 2 years ago

I mean, I can build it, but GC itself is for 1.17 while GCEnergy and GCAPI are for 1.16

sheazywi commented 5 months ago

I've tried the reproduction steps and it doesn't does the glitch except now at night only it doesn't show the little popup when mouse is hovering the energy bar. image