TeamJM / journeymap

JourneyMap mod for Minecraft
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[Feature Request]: Save Partial Map #620

Open AsteroidPizza39 opened 11 months ago

AsteroidPizza39 commented 11 months ago

Describe the new feature.

I'd like to request a feature that allows the user to save a selected portion of the map to the screenshots folder. The suggested UX implementation would be changing the Save Map button to open a dropdown menu, which would include the options Full Map and Partial Map. Selecting Full Map would save the entire map, as the current feature does. Selecting Partial Map would prompt the user to select two corners for the screenshot, and that smaller area would then be saved.

The rationale behind this suggestion is for sharing a view of smaller areas of a largely mapped world, without having to open and edit a very large screenshot that takes a few minutes to save in the first place. I've attached an image of an example map, from a server with the /rtp command, a prime example of where this feature may be useful. It took about 5 minutes to save it to my Screenshots folder after pressing Save Map, and an additional 3 minutes to open it in an image editor to crop it down to the specific map area I wanted to share. 2023-07-13_14 14 08_~5~lAnubisMC_minecraft~overworld_day


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mysticdrew commented 11 months ago

The screenshot feature needs an overhaul.

Simply put it we need to migrate to the in game screenshot button. So it is faster and makes higher quality images.

Now, regarding partial map saving, I will need to think on this. Sounds like a lot of work for a rare use case. This is not at all simple to implement.