TeamJM / journeymap

JourneyMap mod for Minecraft
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[Feature Request]: Allow players to customize the colors for biome overlay #698

Open xadip opened 1 month ago

xadip commented 1 month ago

Describe the new feature.

Request: I've always enjoyed exploring and discovering different biomes. However, I think it would be amazing if players could customize the colors for each biome to make the map even more unique and personalized, allowing us to create visual distinctions that enhance our experience and improve navigation.

Extra: allow player to select different colors on the fly, without the need to "refresh" de map to see it.


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mysticdrew commented 1 month ago

There is no biome overlay. The biome map are separate map tiles. I will not be adding an overlay at this time.

I can add a config file similar to the topo color config for biomes. Maybe a UI for it in the future.

xadip commented 1 month ago

that would be a start. That way I can select flower forest, with a color different from every biome. cool.

ps: not overlay but tiles yea. I was hoping that the information was saved as data, so you could show the biome map with the color that the user selected, using the information that you already go from files.