TeamJM / journeymap

JourneyMap mod for Minecraft
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map displaying map of previous world causing lag #710

Closed username32121 closed 1 month ago

username32121 commented 1 month ago

What happened?

the map keeps displaying the map of the last world, i start a new world and it shows the map as if its already discovered despite being a new world using version 1.12.2

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mysticdrew commented 1 month ago

Causing lag? I doubt it. Give your worlds unique names. The data is saved based on the name you give it in the singleplayer or multiplayer menu. If name them the same, it does not know it is a different map.

username32121 commented 1 month ago

Causing lag? I doubt it. Give your worlds unique names. The data is saved based on the name you give it in the singleplayer or multiplayer menu. If name them the same, it does not know it is a different map.

i have been naming them differently, and YES it does indeed cause lag your doubts are noted and dismissed, i can explain if you want, its causing lag due tue the fact it needs to remove the portion of the map that's already there and put an entirely new portion of the map in its place, so no it does indeed cause lag, id like you to reopen the issue as you have NOT solved it in any way shape or form

mysticdrew commented 1 month ago

Show a screenshot of your singleplayer or multiplayer screen

username32121 commented 1 month ago

Show a screenshot of your singleplayer or multiplayer screen

cant take screenshots of the game in game, i have TWO worlds one named new world one named main world, both displaying the SAME MAP, AS IVE ALREDY STATED, so you didn't complete the issue, therefore you should reopen the issue until YOU or someone more capable can in fact fix the issue

mysticdrew commented 1 month ago

you can take a screenshot, here are instructions

you never provided logs as required in the issue template.

mysticdrew commented 1 month ago

and if you have reused those world names, the journeymap map data does not get deleted when you delete a world. To delete map data, click the trash can in the fullscreen map.

username32121 commented 1 month ago

you can take a screenshot, here are instructions

you never provided logs as required in the issue template.

first off i don't know how to get the logs, secondly its not required otherwise i couldn't have posted this at all, so no logs are NOT required

mysticdrew commented 1 month ago

image well provide them

EyesISeeU commented 1 month ago

Provide the stuff so you can get help bruh, stop acting like a child.

mysticdrew commented 1 month ago

I am going to lock this as people see your ranting in the multiple issues in our discord as you can see in the post above.

If you create a new issue I will report to github as spam which will ban your account and possibly IP. If you wish to get more help regarding this issue, you can come to our discord, I will no longer provide you help on github.

Again, let me reiterate here. Map data is saved by the name you put in the Singleplayer menu for 1.12.2.

This has been changed for singleplayer in future versions to use the name minecraft uses for the world save. So renaming or using the same names for worlds does not cause issues, though it still effects multiplayer.

You can see your singleplayer map data in (mc install directory)/journeymap/data/sp

If you created a world, deleted it and created a new one with the same name, it will load your old data. JourneyMap does not interact with the singleplayer or multiplayer screens to know if you deleted/created/renamed your worlds/saves. That can be deleted by the trashcan button in the fullscreen map.

If you create a world with the same name as an existing world, it will load the data that your existing world already created. It does not matter if the seed is different, only the name is what is used for saving data.

Regarding "lag" you experienced. Without you providing any actual data backing up this claim, based on how we create and write map data it does not cause any lag. The map is just pixels on an image. If there a chunk is about to be mapped and an image does not exist, a new transparent image is generated and we write the pixel data to each pixel. If the image already exists, we do not read the pixel data, we just overwrite it. So both cases use an existing image and write the rgb values to the pixel. The mapping engine actually has no idea if it is a transparent image or an image with colored pixels already, it just replaces the pixel rgb values.