TeamJM / journeymap

JourneyMap mod for Minecraft
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[Feature Request]: Essential Mod/PTP server integration #720

Open B1BU opened 2 weeks ago

B1BU commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the new feature.

Correction: P2P, not PTP

I've been playing with some of my friends over the last few days using Essential Mod and I noticed my minimap has been reset twice. I checked the JourneyMap data folder and there are three different folders for that same "server" that my friend was hosting (I guess this happened because of IP changes?). Would it be possible to add something that would allow JourneyMap to work with this kind of server?



mysticdrew commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like you added or removed a s from the server name.

mysticdrew commented 2 weeks ago

This is a duplicate of I have more details in there

B1BU commented 2 weeks ago

The server doesn't have a name, you can't give it a name. Essential Mod just uses the host's name from what I understand (based on the first folder JourneyMap created) so It's supposed to be called just "AmethysttMoon". For some reason JourneyMap seems to get confused about that.

mysticdrew commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm, that seems strange.

B1BU commented 2 weeks ago

Is there any more information I can give you that would help figure out what's causing this?