TeamMentor / TM_4_0_Design

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Create tests to check for content provided by all 'anonymous pages' #106

Closed DinisCruz closed 9 years ago

DinisCruz commented 9 years ago

Roman/Lucy, can you confirm that these are all the pages that can be accessed by anonymous users (i.e. non-logged users). Or did I miss a page?

  page_About        : (callback) => '/landing-pages/about.html'                       , callback
  page_Help         : (callback) => '/help/index.html'                                , callback
  page_Home         : (callback) => '/'                                               , callback
  page_Features     : (callback) => '/landing-pages/features.html'                    , callback
  page_Login        : (callback) => '/user/login/returning-user-login.html'           , callback
  page_Login_Fail   : (callback) -> '/user/login/returning-user-validation.html'      , callback
  page_Libraries    : (callback) => '/libraries'                                      , callback
  page_Main_Page    : (callback) => '/home/main-app-view.html'                        , callback
  page_Pwd_Forgot   : (callback) => '/user/login/returning-user-forgot-password.html' , callback
  page_Pwd_Sent     : (callback) => '/user/login/forgot-password-completed.html'      , callback
  page_Sign_Up      : (callback) => '/landing-pages/user-sign-up.html'                , callback
  page_Sign_Up_Fail : (callback) => '/landing-pages/user-sign-up-validation.html'     , callback
  page_Sign_Up_OK   : (callback) => '/landing-pages/user-sign-up-completed.html'      , callback

Here are the tests that check the content of these pages:

QA_TM_Design = require '../API/QA-TM_4_0_Design'

# this test suite contains all  all pages that we currently need to support for anonymous users (i.e. non logged in users)
describe 'all pages - anonymous users', ->
  page = QA_TM_Design.create(before, after);
  jade = page.jade_API;

  #afterEach (done)->
  #  testTitle = @.currentTest.fullTitle()
  #  page.screenshot testTitle, done

  before (done)-> jade.clear_Session done                                   # ensure we are anonymous


  afterEach (done)->
    page.html (html,$)->
      $('title').text().assert_Is('TEAM Mentor 4.0 (Html version)')         # confirm that all pages have the same title

  check_Top_Right_Navigation_Bar = ($)->                                    # confirm that all anonymous pages have the same top level menu
    navBarLinks = $('.nav li a')                                            # get all top right links using a css selector
    navBarLinks.length.assert_Is(6)                                         # there should be 6 links
    linksData = for link in navBarLinks                                     # for each link in navBarLinks
      {                                                                     # create a new object
        href : link.attribs.href,                                           # with the href
        value: $(link).html()                                               # and the value (which is the innerHTML)
      }                                                                     # in coffee-script the last value is the default return value

    checkValues = (index, expected_Href,expected_Value ) ->                 # create a helper function to check for expected values

    checkValues(0,'/deploy/html/landing-pages/about.html'         , 'About'   )   # check expected values of 6 links
    checkValues(1,'/deploy/html/landing-pages/features.html'      , 'Features')
    checkValues(2,'/help/index.html'                              , 'Help')
    checkValues(3,'#'                                             , '|')
    checkValues(4,'/deploy/html/landing-pages/user-sign-up.html'  , 'Sign Up')
    checkValues(5,'/user/login/returning-user-login.html'          , 'Login')

  check_Generic_Footer = ($)->

    $('#call-to-action h1').html()             .assert_Is('Security Risk. Understood.'           )
    $('#call-to-action a' ).get(0).attribs.href.assert_Is('getting-started.html'                 ) # BUG this is a broken link!
    $('#call-to-action button').html()         .assert_Is('See for yourself'                     )

    $('#footer img'       ).get(0).attribs.src .assert_Is('/deploy/assets/logos/si-logo.png'     )
    $('#footer a'         ).html()             .assert_Is('Terms & Conditions'               )

  it '/',(done)->
    jade.page_Home (html,$)->
      $('#usp h1').html().assert_Is('Instant resources that bridge the gap between developer questions and technical solutions')

      $('#usp a'     ).get(0).attribs.href       .assert_Is('../getting-started/index.html')
      $('#usp button').html()                    .assert_Is('Start your free trial today')
      $('#reasons h2').html()                    .assert_Is('With TEAM Mentor, you can...')
      $('#reasons h4')[0].children[0].data       .assert_Is('FIX vulnerabilities quicker than ever before with TEAM Mentor\'s seamless integration into a developer\'s IDE and daily workflow')
      $('#reasons h4')[1].children[0].data       .assert_Is('REDUCE the number of vulnerabilities over time as developers learn about each vulnerability at the time it is identified')
      $('#reasons h4')[2].children[0].data       .assert_Is('EXPAND the development team\'s knowledge and improve process with instant access to thousands of specific remediation tactics, including the host organization\'s security policies and coding best practices')

      $('#clients h2').html()                    .assert_Is('Our clients love us (and we think you will too!)')
      clientImages = $('#clients img')

      clientImages[0].attribs.src                .assert_Is('/deploy/assets/clients/elsevier.png'  )
      clientImages[1].attribs.src                .assert_Is('/deploy/assets/clients/fedex.png'     )
      clientImages[2].attribs.src                .assert_Is('/deploy/assets/clients/massmutual.png')
      clientImages[3].attribs.src                .assert_Is('/deploy/assets/clients/microsoft.png' )
      clientImages[4].attribs.src                .assert_Is('/deploy/assets/clients/symantec.png'  )
      clientImages[5].attribs.src                .assert_Is('/deploy/assets/clients/ubs.png'       )


  it 'About',(done)->
    jade.page_About (html,$)->
      $(  '#about h1'   ).html()        .assert_Is('An interactive Application Security library with thousands of code samples and professional guidance when you need it.')
      $(  '#about-us h4').html()        .assert_Is('TEAM Mentor was created by developers for developers using secure coding standards, code snippets and checklists built from 10+ years of targeted security assessments for Fortune 500 organizations.')
      $($('#about-us p' ).get(0)).html().assert_Is('It contains over 4,000 articles with dynamic content across multiple development platforms including .NET, Java, C/C++, PHP, Android and iOS. TEAM Mentor is the In-Practice companion to our TEAM Professor eLearning courses, extending developers’ knowledge in combination with training.')
      $($('#about-us p' ).get(1)).html().assert_Is('TeamMentor integrates with static analysis tools, such as Checkmarx and Fortify, helping teams make more sense of scan results and make critical decisions to fix software vulnerabilities.')


  it  'features',(done)->
    jade.page_Features (html,$)->
      $(  '#features h4'   ).html()        .assert_Is('Delivers compliance-specific secure coding guidance for PCI-DSS, OWASP Top 10, CWE and other popular frameworks.')
      $($('.row h4').get(0)).html()        .assert_Is('Delivers compliance-specific secure coding guidance for PCI-DSS, OWASP Top 10, CWE and other popular frameworks.')
      $($('.row h4').get(1)).html()        .assert_Is('Integrates with multiple static analysis tools and developer environments (IDE’s) to map prescriptive coding guidance to scan results to fix vulnerabilities.')
      $($('.row h4').get(2)).html()        .assert_Is('Stores and cross-references your security policies with out-of-the-box secure coding checklists and examples.')
      $($('.row h4').get(3)).html()        .assert_Is('Provides guidance to assist developers in reducing security vulnerabilities in software applications.')


  it 'Help',(done)->
    jade.page_Help (html,$)->
      titles = ($(h4).text() for h4 in $('#help-nav h4'))
      titles.assert_Is ["About TEAM Mentor", "Installation", "Administration", "UI Elements",
                        "Reading Content","Editing Content","Eclipse for Fortify plugin",
                        "HP Fortify SCA UI Integration","Visual Studio Plugin"]

      $(  '#help-docs h2').html().assert_Is('TEAM Mentor Documents')
      $($('#help-docs p' ).get(0)).html().assert_Is('Welcome to the TEAM Mentor Documentation Website where you will find detailed information on \nhow to install TEAM Mentor, how it works and how to customize it.')
      $($('#help-docs h4').get(0)).html().assert_Is('TEAM Mentor in action:')
      #todo: add check for links
      $($('#help-docs p' ).get(1)).html().assert_Is('Other places to get information about TeamMentor:')
      $($('#help-docs h4').get(1)).html().assert_Is('TEAM Mentor Related Sites')
      #todo: add check for links


  it 'Login', (done)->
    jade.page_Login (html,$)->
      $('p' ).html().assert_Is("Already have an account? Sign in here.")
      $('#btn-forgot-pwd').html().assert_Is('Forgot your password?')
      $('#btn-login'     ).attr('type').assert_Is('submit')

  it 'Login Fail', (done)->
    jade.page_Login_Fail (html, $)->
      $('.alert').html().assert_Is('Login failed')
      $('p' ).html().assert_Is("Already have an account? Sign in here.")
      # Same as "it 'Login', (done)->" , so we should also check if those fields are here

  it 'Password Forgot', (done)->
    jade.page_Pwd_Forgot (html, $)->
      $('h3').html().assert_Is("Forgot your password?")
      $('p' ).html().assert_Is("Too easy - just type in your email address and we'll send you an email with further instructions.")
      $.html('.form-group label') .assert_Is('<label for="email">Email Address</label>')
      $.html('#email').assert_Is('<input id="email" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email Address" class="form-control">')
      $('button').html().assert_Is('Get password')

  it 'Password Sent', (done)->
    jade.page_Pwd_Sent (html,$)->
      $('h3').html().assert_Is("Ok, Done")
      $('p' ).html().assert_Is("We&apos;ve sent you an email with instructions for resetting your password.")

  it 'Sign Up', (done) ->
    jade.page_Sign_Up (html,$)->
      $('h3'                                  ).html().assert_Is("Sign Up")
      $('p'                                   ).html().assert_Is("Complete this form and get access to the worlds largest repository of secure software development knowledge.")

      $('form'                                ).attr().assert_Is({ id: 'sign-up-form', role: 'form' , method:'POST', action: '/user/sign-up' })
      $('label[for=new-user-username]'        ).html().assert_Is('Username')
      $('label[for=new-user-password]'        ).html().assert_Is('Password')
      $('label[for=new-user-confirm-password]').html().assert_Is('Confirm Password')
      $('label[for=new-user-email]'           ).html().assert_Is('Email Address')

      $('input[id=new-user-username]'         ).attr().assert_Is({ id: 'new-user-username'        , name: 'username'        , type: 'username', placeholder: 'Username'        , class: 'form-control' })
      $('input[id=new-user-password]'         ).attr().assert_Is({ id: 'new-user-password'        , name: 'password'        , type: 'password', placeholder: 'Password'        , class: 'form-control' })
      $('input[id=new-user-confirm-password]' ).attr().assert_Is({ id: 'new-user-confirm-password', name: 'password-confirm', type: 'password', placeholder: 'Confirm Password', class: 'form-control' })
      $('input[id=new-user-email]'            ).attr().assert_Is({ id: 'new-user-email'           , name: 'email'           , type: 'email', placeholder: 'Email Address'   , class: 'form-control' })
      $('button#btn-sign-up'                  ).html().assert_Is('Sign Up')
      $('button#btn-sign-up'                  ).attr().assert_Is({ id:'btn-sign-up', type:'submit'})

  it  'Sign Up Fail', (done) ->
    jade.page_Sign_Up_Fail (html,$)->
      $('.alert').html().assert_Is('Sign Up failed')
      $('h3'    ).html().assert_Is("Sign Up")

  it  'Sign Up OK', (done) ->
    jade.page_Sign_Up_OK (html,$)->
      $('h3' )        .html().assert_Is('Welcome to TEAM Mentor'                     )
      $($('p').get(0)).html().assert_Is('Thank you for creating a new account.'      )
      $($('p').get(1)).text().assert_Is('Please Login'                               )
      $('p a')        .attr('href').assert_Is('/user/login/returning-user-login.html')

Note: don't worry about the actually link's urls since I will normalise those paths on the last phase of dealing with

romichg commented 9 years ago

Ok so what is the '/libraries' url? I don't think we need to be showing that to anonymous users.

romichg commented 9 years ago

Yes, so libraries should be available to logged in users not to anonymous.

DinisCruz commented 9 years ago

ahh, yes, that /Libraries to the 'users' list

luchia commented 9 years ago

Looks good to me.