TeamMidnightDust / SwordBlocking

A minecraft fabric clientside mod to restore sword blocking if you have a shield in your offhand.
MIT License
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when open options game crashes #18

Closed bentlyreal closed 2 months ago

bentlyreal commented 5 months ago

So when i press options like anywhere it crashes with the note as The game crashed whilst mouseclicked event handler Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void net.minecraft.class_344.(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, net.minecraft.class_2960, int, int, net.minecraft.class_4185$class_4241, net.minecraft.class_2561)' i hope this gets fixed

Motschen commented 2 months ago

This was caused by the mod not being updated to 1.20.6 at the time of this report. It should now be fixed.