TeamMoodGitHub / Felipe-Term-1

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Week 2 - Real Web Page! #2

Open farzaa opened 7 years ago

farzaa commented 7 years ago

Hey Felipe! So you managed to get some pretty good stuff done. I know Javascript's async nature is very odd. You may have noticed from our talk that I'm not the tip top expert when it comes to the little things in JS, but you can always run something by me and we can Google stuff together if we both don't know how to do something.

This week I'd like you to create a web page where you input a summoner name and in the backend does some "stuff" and then renders a new page with new information you got from the backend. So let me be specific.

So the above shouldn't take super long! But I really want you to understand how routing is working, how the frontend/backend communicate, and really understanding why we have a backend to begin with. Why don't we just do everything on the frontend?

After this, I'd like you to start looking into NoSQL Databases, specifically Firebase. For your app, you need to store the users data somewhere, right? Use your super Google powers to figure out more about what firebase is all about. Its ez pz, trust me.

I'm pretty good at NoSQL stuff, so HMU if you have any questions :)