TeamMoonstorm / Starstorm2

A Port/Continuation of the Risk of Rain 1 mod: Starstorm.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue with animations, I think is may have to do with MSU as opposed to SS2 specifically #106

Closed oceanselemon closed 1 year ago

oceanselemon commented 1 year ago

I first opened an issue a couple days ago for the same issue, only that time I closed it after manually figuring out that turning off Lost in Transit fixed it. Now it is back. log.txt As far as I can tell, it has something to do with unique cases of items leaving your inventory interfering with other cases of items leaving your inventory (Tinker's Satchel's Mimic, when it jumps on an item it makes a phantom clone for the +1, and when it leaves things go wonky). When this error pops up, suddenly animations stop ending. The easiest example I have seen of this is to play loader, and when you think things are wonky, try your secondary. If, upon returning to you, it simply sits stationary wherever you were, it has happened. My modman profile code is TjhHiWVJDk. The error I am talking about is posted below (not the whole thing, but the basics):

[Error : Unity Log] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. Stack trace: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <44afb4564e9347cf99a1865351ea8f4a>:IL_001E) Moonstorm.Starstorm2.BaseItemMasterBehavior.UpdateMasterItemBehaviorStacks (RoR2.CharacterMaster master) (at :IL_0010) Moonstorm.Starstorm2.BaseItemMasterBehavior.CharacterMaster_OnInventoryChanged (On.RoR2.CharacterMaster+orig_OnInventoryChanged orig, RoR2.CharacterMaster self) (at :IL_0007) DMD<>?-1755350784.Hook?-971826944 (RoR2.CharacterMaster ) (at <1abfbe3118d8424790c60112818000c4>:IL_000A) RoR2.Inventory.HandleInventoryChanged () (at :IL_000A) DMD?-1755350784._RoR2_Inventory::RemoveItem (RoR2.Inventory this, RoR2.ItemIndex itemIndex, System.Int32 count) (at <5b7f750448b944b395bc9c2aaa977bd0>:IL_0076) DMD<>?-1755350784.Trampoline?839226368 (RoR2.Inventory , RoR2.ItemIndex , System.Int32 ) (at :IL_0020) GOTCE.Items.NFT.Inventory_RemoveItem_ItemIndex_int (On.RoR2.Inventory+orig_RemoveItem_ItemIndex_int orig, RoR2.Inventory self, RoR2.ItemIndex itemIndex, System.Int32 count) (at <3197b90e2eee4a82827d2d5724f1a37d>:IL_0021) DMD<>?-1755350784.Hook?781635968 (RoR2.Inventory , RoR2.ItemIndex , System.Int32 ) (at <1cc15bdff20342a78544502ac6f34c28>:IL_0014) DMD<>?-1755350784.Trampoline?681307136 (RoR2.Inventory , RoR2.ItemIndex , System.Int32 ) (at <72a196f2ab184dbc99f4a2161ef47e4b>:IL_0020) ThinkInvisible.TinkersSatchel.Mimic.On_InvRemoveItemByIndex (On.RoR2.Inventory+orig_RemoveItem_ItemIndex_int orig, RoR2.Inventory self, RoR2.ItemIndex itemIndex, System.Int32 count) (at <1a0b17a8b2154fa0afef8e82b7f9298d>:IL_0001) DMD<>?-1755350784.Hook?-1836860160 (RoR2.Inventory , RoR2.ItemIndex , System.Int32 ) (at <826c61af9a634547bb6adcdcb7a41408>:IL_0014) DMD<>?-1755350784.Trampoline?2127534080 (RoR2.Inventory , RoR2.ItemIndex , System.Int32 ) (at <9a164fa6061641378babbef3210f200b>:IL_0020)

Nebby1999 commented 1 year ago

i can confirm that this is not MSU Related, as "BaseItemMasterBehaviour" is a class in SS2.

oceanselemon commented 1 year ago

I agree, I looked into it after using ILSpy, but I still have no clue what the error is. The only reason I suggested MSU was due to the same error going away when I uninstalled LiT, before popping up again with Starstorm.

oceanselemon commented 1 year ago

I should probably also mention, this can also cause my game to crash after a certain amount of time. No animations end fully. If you are firing projectiles, yellow streaks will appear in the sky where they were fired. Enemies will start death animations, and never actually disappear. It makes the game kinda unplayable, especially with the crashing part. I can't really make it past stage 1 before it happens.

oceanselemon commented 1 year ago

Right, this problem is gone, now something else is wrong. Closing, will make a new issue notice.