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Newpipe Not Working #370

Closed Psk666 closed 4 months ago

Psk666 commented 4 months ago

I'm just wondering if anyone else is having issues with 0.27.1.

I have experienced this on my Android devices (phone and tablet) as well as my Roku smart TV.

I'm finding it more and more unwatchable. Literally.

At first it worked fine, but more and more I've had to clear my cache. Sometimes every few days, but lately it's not just every day, but pretty much every video freezes. I have repeatedly uninstalled and re-installed Newpipe and it's the same thing. I appreciate all that the devs do, my frustration is with Google and YT.

I just don't know what else I can do, if anything.

Oh, and for Opusforlife2, instead of just closing this without reason, maybe point a noob in the right direction instead of just being a dick and closing my original post. All I'm looking for is help.