ASCII (as proposed by David Potsiadlo's Fretboard):
x ^ ^
Unicode (as proposed by David R. Arnold's OpenGuitar):
C7 D C G
x x o x o o ooo
╒╤╤╤╤╕ ╒╤╤╤╤╕ ╒╤╤╤╤╕ ╒╤╤╤╤╕
││││1│ ││││││ ││││1│ ││││││
├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤
││2│││ │││1│2 ││2│││ │1││││
├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤
3││4││ ││││3│ │3││││ 2││││3
├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤
Alternative, using some sort of bullets instead of finger numbers:
C7 D C G
x x o x o o ooo
╒╤╤╤╤╕ ╒╤╤╤╤╕ ╒╤╤╤╤╕ ╒╤╤╤╤╕
││││•│ ││││││ ││││⧫│ ││││││
├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤
││•│││ │││●│● ││⧫│││ │◆││││
├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤
•││•││ ││││●│ │⧫││││ ◆││││◆
├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤ ├┼┼┼┼┤
(ideally we should be able to combine both approaches using ➊➋➌➍, but these characters break the lining up because they're slightly wider)
ASCII (as proposed by David Potsiadlo's Fretboard):
Unicode (as proposed by David R. Arnold's OpenGuitar):
Alternative, using some sort of bullets instead of finger numbers:
(ideally we should be able to combine both approaches using ➊➋➌➍, but these characters break the lining up because they're slightly wider)