TeamPiped / Piped

An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Got error: "Sign in to confirm that you're not a bot" #3658

Open DuplicantWood opened 1 month ago

DuplicantWood commented 1 month ago

Official Instance

Describe the bug

On my private instance and with some others i have tested in the public list i am seeing "Got error: "Sign in to confirm that you're not a bot"" instead of a video

Here is a link from a public instance with the same problem:

To Reproduce

Open this url on this instance

See error

Expected behavior

Video to play normally


org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ContentNotAvailableException: Got error: "Sign in to confirm that you're not a bot" at at at org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Extractor.fetchPage( at at at at me.kavin.piped.server.handlers.StreamHandlers.lambda$streamsResponse$0( at java.base/ at java.base/

Browser, and OS with Version.

Happens on multiple browsers and devices

Additional context

I'm assuming it's related to something google/youtube have done as invidious instances are having similar issues.

opusforlife2 commented 1 month ago

Some instances are working, some aren't. But it's probably gonna spread to all of them.

milutinke commented 4 weeks ago

Is there any solution for this?

00-kat commented 4 weeks ago

Is there any solution for this?

Cobalt implemented OAuth, but other than that there's not been much in terms of solving this issue...

milutinke commented 4 weeks ago

Is there any solution for this?

Cobalt implemented OAuth, but other than that there's not been much in terms of solving this issue...

Well, maybe it would be good implementing it as an optional feature, so instances could continue running until there is a better solution.

Anoerak commented 2 weeks ago

Restarting all containers fixed it for me tonight.

AndrewHoang1995 commented 2 weeks ago

Restarting all containers fixed it for me tonight.

Really !!!

LivingWithHippos commented 2 weeks ago

Restarting all containers fixed it for me tonight.

Didn't work for me, you probably got "B" tested ;D

jokes aside, I have another request that may warrant a separate issue: I opened a page to use the share button and copy the original youtube link, but the error message "eats" away all the UI, I think it would be nice if a partial interface could still be shown in this case

Tamarindo94 commented 2 weeks ago

This is happening to me on the majority of videos (~8 out of 10) and on different instances, to the point I had to go back to using vanilla youtube. Sadly, I dont know enough about piped or youtube's inner workings to be able to help, but I hope I can bring more attention to this issue. My fear is that this change could make piped and other frontends unusable sooner than we think if a solution isn't found

alimovlex commented 2 weeks ago

Is there any solution for this?

Yes. Just obtain youtube API keys and paste the API_SECRET to src/main.js function at 127th line.

getAuthToken() {
            return this.getPreferenceString("authToken" + this.hashCode(this.authApiUrl()));

Everything works.

alimovlex commented 2 weeks ago

This is happening to me on the majority of videos (~8 out of 10) and on different instances, to the point I had to go back to using vanilla youtube. Sadly, I dont know enough about piped or youtube's inner workings to be able to help, but I hope I can bring more attention to this issue. My fear is that this change could make piped and other frontends unusable sooner than we think if a solution isn't found

You can host your own instance instead and paste the token as I have written above.

AndrewHoang1995 commented 2 weeks ago

You can host your own instance instead and paste the token as I have written above.

If I use Docker, how can I rebuild it? I am looking forward to an update from the team regarding documentation and Docker for this temporary solution

clot27 commented 1 week ago

This is coming so often on official ( instance, approximately 7 of 10 videos. I haven't tried to change instance yet, I have switched to invidious.

opusforlife2 commented 1 week ago

I haven't tried to change instance yet

This is the best workaround though. Works 100% of the time. You rarely have to change it twice.

danl76 commented 1 week ago

Your modify the main.js like this?

getAuthToken() { return this.getPreferenceString("authToken" + this.hashCode(API_KEY)); },

Where API_KEY = your yt api key

Also how do get into the docker container to modify main.js? I tried bash but that'd didn't work.

alimovlex commented 1 week ago

Your modify the main.js like this?

getAuthToken() { return this.getPreferenceString("authToken" + this.hashCode(API_KEY)); },

Where API_KEY = your yt api key

Also how do get into the docker container to modify main.js? I tried bash but that'd didn't work.

Unfortunately, no.

getAuthToken() {
            return this.getPreferenceString("YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE" + this.hashCode(this.authApiUrl()));

API_KEY is API_SECRET in your profile.

alimovlex commented 1 week ago

You can host your own instance instead and paste the token as I have written above.

If I use Docker, how can I rebuild it? I am looking forward to an update from the team regarding documentation and Docker for this temporary solution

I am not facile with Docker, unfortunately. Instead, I host my own private instance on a VPS.

LivingWithHippos commented 1 week ago

Your modify the main.js like this?

getAuthToken() { return this.getPreferenceString("authToken" + this.hashCode(API_KEY)); },

Where API_KEY = your yt api key

Also how do get into the docker container to modify main.js? I tried bash but that'd didn't work.

When bash doesn't work try sh ;D (or ash for alpine)

Where is the file located BTW?


I use these aliases in bash (or remove function for zsh) to quickly find and then enter a container with bash or sh (yeah I should env I know)

# get the container name if you don't remember, example: "dclist piped"
function dclist() {
    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        docker ps -a --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}" | (read -r; printf "%s\n" ""; sort -k 2);
        docker ps -a --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}" | (read -r; printf "%s\n" ""; sort -k 2) | grep "$1";

# enter a container with bash or sh, example: "dcsh piped"
function dcbash() { docker exec -it "$1" /bin/bash; }
function dcsh() { docker exec -it "$1" /bin/sh; }
LivingWithHippos commented 1 week ago

Partial docker instructions, untested, try only if you know what this means:

  1. open your piped instance
  2. right click -> view page source or whatever your browser calls it
  3. find out the name of the javascript bundled file, mine is <script type="module" crossorigin src="/assets/index-WHXXydFZ.js"></script>

At this point you can either extract it from the container, change it and mount it back (easier, persist across restarts, may break the frontend if the containers are updated) or manually edit it in place (no time so will do this for now, may need restart of the container, may break anyway or just not work) or add the sed command to the start script (it's already doing something similar for the instance name)

  1. enter the piped frontend container with its name, I used docker exec -it "piped-frontend" /bin/sh;
  2. enter the assets folder with cd /usr/share/nginx/html/assets
  3. swap the authToken with sed -i 's/"authToken"/"YOUR_TOKEN"/g' index-YOUR_FILE.js
  4. ???
  5. If you force refresh the page and check the sources again you can click on the js file and see if it has been changed or not