While in two-part difficulty select, joining a second player will jump to a group on the music wheel, as expected.
However, this leaves two-part difficulty select open despite having a group instead of a song currently selected. If you press start at this time, the game will crash.
Confirmed on a few different themes and game modes, including Soundwaves in pump mode.
In a theme/game mode with two-part difficulty selection enabled, enter the music wheel and select a song, but don't pick a difficulty.
Join a second player by pushing their start button. The music wheel jumps to a group folder, but the game acts as if a song is still chosen and two-part difficulty select remains open.
Press start for either player, the game will crash.
Describe the crash
While in two-part difficulty select, joining a second player will jump to a group on the music wheel, as expected.
However, this leaves two-part difficulty select open despite having a group instead of a song currently selected. If you press start at this time, the game will crash.
Confirmed on a few different themes and game modes, including Soundwaves in pump mode.
Logs are attached, crashinfo was not generated.
How can you reproduce the error?
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Game Mode
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