TeamRizu / OutFox

The Bug Reporting Repository for OutFox LTS 0.4, Alpha V and Steam Early Access Builds
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[BUG] Default NoteSkin isn't really doing anything #733

Closed KisanoWasTaken closed 1 month ago

KisanoWasTaken commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Operating System

Windows 10


No response


No response


In the blue, but pretty full.

Game Version


Game Mode



First, Simply Love 4.9, then bare metal.

Describe the problem

Currently, I have already set a default note skin for the game to abide by, but for some reason, it shows a completley different skin. At first, I thought it was Simply Love being quirky (please understand that 1. i've only just installed outfox 2. i've never themed or skinned before), but then, I started to realise that there was problem with the game itself.

Describe what should happen

It should have given the same skin I gave it in Arcade Options ProjectOutfox.Crash.2024-05-04--19.04.06.log ProjectOutfox.Crash.2024-05-04--19.12.13.log ProjectOutfox.Crash.2024-05-05--02.36.36.log ProjectOutfox.Crash.2024-05-05--03.01.24.log ProjectOutfox.MainLog.2024-05-04--19.12.13.log ProjectOutfox.MainLog.2024-05-05--02.36.36.log ProjectOutfox.MainLog.2024-05-05--03.01.24.log ProjectOutfox.Network.2024-05-04--19.12.14.log ProjectOutfox.Network.2024-05-05--02.36.38.log ProjectOutfox.Network.2024-05-05--03.01.26.log ProjectOutfox-default.ThemeLua.2024-05-04--19.04.11.log ProjectOutfox-default.ThemeLua.2024-05-04--19.12.14.log ProjectOutfox-default.ThemeLua.2024-05-05--03.01.26.log info.txt ProjectOutfox.Crash.2024-04-27--21.00.45.log

Relevant Log output

No response

Sudospective commented 1 month ago

do you have a reference as to the noteskin you expect to see and what you actually see? im not sure anyone can help with this issue without a screenshot or something to go off of visually.

KisanoWasTaken commented 1 month ago

Nvm, I think the problem might have fixed itself (first time doing anything other than just playing random charts and making crappy ones). Gonna try and investigate further tho.

KisanoWasTaken commented 1 month ago

Here's some footage of me booting up the game again, if it might be of any use.