TeamRizu / OutFox

The Bug Reporting Repository for OutFox LTS 0.4, Alpha V and Steam Early Access Builds
Apache License 2.0
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Add pins numbers or passwords for your profile. Optional feature that can be adjusted in the settings. Another idea I have about the online database which i just remeberd now is say if someone's save folder gets deleted or corrupted somehow. If there the game runs on a server save data will always get recovered. Kinda like how DDR runs on a e-asusement but server. But it can better I bet you can probably out do konami since your community has a repo and plenty of communcation inside the StepMania community and Rythem game community. #741

Open makoflagkk opened 3 weeks ago

makoflagkk commented 3 weeks ago

Please Select the game mode your feature request is about.

All Game Modes

Is your feature request related to a problem?

No this isn't a problem but it would be rather cool if players can there own pins or passwords for profiles. This can prevent other people from using that profile if someone is playing in the same building or house. And if Outfox is ever displayed or gets big into the public settings it would be nice to have an online database where you can track your scores online. Maybe even use a card.

Describe the solution you'd like


Describe alternatives you've considered


Additional context

Hello this is quite awkward but this is makoflag aka me who is making this request. I just want let all the staff know I wasn't in the right state of mind at the time I was in the discord server. I have gone to therapy and have done plenty of self reflecting. I now found a religion and goes against whatever I did in the past. But I am sorry for whatever I may have done. I still play Outfox sometimes for other gamemodes and certain themes in dance and enjoy it. I know I said I don't like the game but that was just my demons talking. I did not mean that at all. When people are in the heat of the moment they say stuff that they don't mean. But I don't think I should be ghosted. At least not indefinitely I don't expect to be forgiven either. But I just wanna be on good terms. Hopefully I get back in. Whether that takes a few months, a year or even a decade /never won't mind. I believe that everyone should be given a second chance. Things just got heated at times. I did not steal code or leak any private information. I did not threaten anyone or commit illegal crimes. If convicted felons get out of prison and be given second changes why can't I. Can I be put on probation for a year and watched closely. And if I have any issue with the game I formally report them on Github. Not that I want to report any issues or will do so because I am busy in College right now and don't have that much time to play video games If you think this all bs then you have the right to think so. But I use a lot less social media now. I take full responsibility for my actions. But if any of you want to email me or have a discord call for a private talk my email is and you all already know my discord name. So yeah that is about it.

-Mako ( 2024)

KisanoWasTaken commented 3 weeks ago

Outfox hire this man now.

makoflagkk commented 3 weeks ago

I am not a coder or graphic designer but I could be the Chief Creative Officer who gives ideas. But knowing my past with Team OutFox I might not even be allowed to communicate directly with them anymore. Which I understand one hundred percent. I did some pretty messed up things in the past. But I wanna start from a clean slate.

KisanoWasTaken commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

makoflagkk commented 3 weeks ago

I would prefer not to talk about it. If you wanna ask one of the staff what I did go ahead. But let's not harp on the past. I don't want anyone to feel any animosity or hatred. Let's just I did some pretty bad stuff with my two years on the discord server. But I am truly sorry for my unhinged behavior. I was acting terrible and feel bad for what emotional damage I inflicted on people. GitHub isn't the place to talk about this.