Open rodbv opened 6 years ago
Hi @rodbv ,
Thank you for reaching us, I can not reproduce your case because my query was completed successfully. I am using latest version which versioned 4.0.379 Firstly, can you please update your TeamSQL App to latest version please.
My queries :
SELECT * FROM "public"."actor22" LIMIT 200;
UPDATE "public"."actor22" SET firstName = 'selcuk' WHERE actorid = 1;
insert into "public"."actor22" (firstName, lastName) values ('John', 'Doe');
I found another bug about camelCase on there and also we are investigating your issue. If 4.0.379 will not resolve your issue please contact us again.
Thank you.
Hi @selcukayhan thanks for the reply.
I've updated to 4.0.379 and I still have the issue. Note that, in the queries that you've shown, the camelCase columns also don't have the double quotes around them, which should produce the error. I wonder if your version of Postgres allows camelCase for identifiers?
UPDATE "public"."actor22" SET firstName = 'selcuk' WHERE actorid = 1; insert into "public"."actor22" (firstName, lastName) values ('John', 'Doe');
At least on my postgresql version (it's running on AWS RDS, version 9.6.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) I get this if I run a query like the one you've pasted:
ERROR: column "firstname" of relation "actor22" does not exist
Hi guys, I'm facing the same issue as @rodbv. Any luck reproducing and/or fixing it? Many thanks.
I think this may help. You need to have camel cased column names in quotes "".
I'm on version 4.0.307 (4.0.307.307) (Mac OS)
When using the data editor inside TeamSQL to add rows or update a cell value, the command generated by TeamSQL won't work when one of the columns involved in the update/insert operation are camelCase (it needs double quotes around it, otherwise postgres will ignore upper case chars).
Steps to reproduce:
insert into "users" (firstName, lastName) values ('John', 'Doe');
insert into "users" ("firstName", "lastName") values ('John', 'Doe');
(it will return something like "column firstname does not exist")