TeamSQL / desktop-app

This repository is currently being used for hosting the official issue & bug tracker of TeamSQL Desktop App.
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Wording for Ubuntu installation on website is not clear on which config file TeamSQL desktop app needs to be made owner of #443

Open jcklpe opened 5 years ago

jcklpe commented 5 years ago


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm a designer learning to code so maybe this seems like it should be obvious, but on the website, when I download the teamsql appimage to install it, I get a message that says I need to give TeamSQL ownership of config files. Which config files? Are we talking about my /home/{{username}}/.config files? Because I don't see why it would need that. Do you mean the config files for mysql server? The ones that are in /etc/msql ? The wording as it exists is unclear, at least to me, who is very new to database stuff.

selcukayhan commented 5 years ago

Hi @jcklpe ,

On local config files we are storing your credentials. This config files are not system's or operating system's config files, these configs are just about TeamSQL. TeamSQL Client cannot have access on this files as default and you need to set your Client be able to read/write to that file.

Thank you for reaching out us, If you have any question we are here to help you.

jcklpe commented 5 years ago

okay @selcukayhan that makes sense now. The website also says: Open terminal and type sudo chown -R .config/TeamSQL/ but it doesn't specify what the name of the TeamSQL user is?

I run a bash command to see all current local users on my system and I don't see any "teamsql" there? Am I supposed to give it to mysql or maybe my www-data user?

selcukayhan commented 5 years ago

Hi @jcklpe ,

You don't need to specify an username, this command gives root access to folder. If it will fails please add your username to syntax.

Thank you.

jcklpe commented 5 years ago

@selcukayhan OH wait it's supposed to have root ownership? As in the owner of the folder should be root?

jpayne commented 5 years ago

Hi @jcklpe ,

You don't need to specify an username, this command gives root access to folder. If it will fails please add your username to syntax.

Thank you.

Ubuntu 18.10 seems to require a username:

chown: missing operand after ‘.config/TeamSQL/’