Low durability (let's say 100), and loses durability quickly.
Conducts heat badly
Very low heat threshold
Tier 2 - Iron
4x as solid as wood.
4x the durability as wood.
Conducts a lot of heat
Very high heat threshold
Tier 3 - Quartz
7x as solid as wood.
7x the durability of wood. However, it cracks easily, so high friction quickly causes it to lose durability.
Conducts heat badly
Medium heat threshold
Nether quartz and regular quartz works. New ore, should integrate with other mods.
Tier 3 - Diamond
10x as solid as wood.
10x the durability of wood.
Conducts heat badly
Low heat threshold
Magazine changes
Free Storage Magazine
Used for magazines where the input lays around unsorted inside. Replaces puker magazine, and will be used for liquid and radiation magazines.
Liquids reloads 5x faster with this magazine. Food mush reloads 4x faster.
Tier 1 (wood): Over time, it loses durability and liquid ammo expires. This effect gradually increases too. Lava will destroy this item almost instantly.
Sorted magazine
Generally stores all sorts of ammo. Snow shards/ice crystals, small fireballs.
Tier 1 - Wood
Tier 2 - Iron
Tier 3 - Quartz
Tier 3 - Diamond
Magazine changes
Free Storage Magazine
Sorted magazine
Laser magazine