TeamSweepy / Greywater

Repo for Greywater Isometric RPG
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Item and NPC and Enemy Clicking #32

Closed Jeremy-Barnes closed 9 years ago

Jeremy-Barnes commented 9 years ago

There are a handful of weird little quirks with this - clicking an NPC (the Tinker) seems to only work if you click below chest level. Something about determining whether or not you clicked it works. Clicking items is similarly inaccurate.

Problem may exist in Sprite.getImageRectangleAtOrigin() or Entity.checkClickedInteraction() or Entity.didPointHitImage(). My suspicion is that its the Sprite method.

Enemy clicking is a bit weird, if you click an enemy once at some distance, you'll walk towards it, if you click it multiple times in rapid succession while at some distance, you'll turn in circles forever. This problem is either in Tavish or in A*, not sure if its related to the issue above.

Jeremy-Barnes commented 9 years ago

Edited to reflect Ziga's fix. Now enemy clicking is the only issue, and I think that's a pathfinding thing, or a Tavish thing.

Jeremy-Barnes commented 9 years ago

It was a Tavish issue.