TeamSyndi / syndibox

SyndiBox - A powerful text engine for dialog-heavy Godot projects
MIT License
91 stars 9 forks source link

Added a bunch of misc stuff #30

Closed I-Have-No-Idea-What-IAmDoing closed 3 years ago

I-Have-No-Idea-What-IAmDoing commented 3 years ago

Tags are checked with this regex: (?:\[.+?\]). Tags need to start with [ , need to have content inside of them (a character inside), and end with ]. You can have any type of character inside a tag including whitespace.

You can test the regex pattern here: , this is the one that is used right now but if you have a better idea on what to do then it can be changed easily.

I also updated some of the tags to be able to handle this (Mainly tag hiding and printing)

Manual Control

You can now manually pause and hide the text and of course resume them. You can also stop advancement of dialog, automatic or from input.

This can be used for timing dialog to events on screen or when you are unsure of timing (like pausing text waiting for a player to do an action)

Signal Tag

This is a new tag that looks like this [@identifier], this @ is used for tag matching. This tag sends a signal to signal_tag when it is read.

You can have a identifier in the tag so multiple objects can use it and not have all of them get activate at once.

This can be used in conjugation with manual control so hiding the text box when a cut scene is about to play and resuming it once it finished.

i think that all the changes i made

I-Have-No-Idea-What-IAmDoing commented 3 years ago

just added a fix for #28 , i just did very basic test so i am not sure of any unwanted side effect but it looks to be alright