While I certainly appreciate the long list of examples, there is no accompanying source as you would normally find with stories.
I am trying to understand how to custom style the input underline and have no idea how to do it. Looking at the ./storybook/examples directory, there are only a small handful of trivial story source code. Can you please update the examples directory to reflect what is found here: https://teamwertarbyte.github.io/material-ui-chip-input/?path=/story/chipinput--with-some-chips OR can you add source with each example?
The storybook examples are borderline useless without accompanying source: https://teamwertarbyte.github.io/material-ui-chip-input/?path=/story/chipinput--with-error-style
While I certainly appreciate the long list of examples, there is no accompanying source as you would normally find with stories.
I am trying to understand how to custom style the input underline and have no idea how to do it. Looking at the ./storybook/examples directory, there are only a small handful of trivial story source code. Can you please update the examples directory to reflect what is found here: https://teamwertarbyte.github.io/material-ui-chip-input/?path=/story/chipinput--with-some-chips OR can you add source with each example?
Thank you