Wiseflow is an agile information mining tool that extracts concise messages from various sources such as websites, WeChat official accounts, social platforms, etc. It automatically categorizes and uploads them to the database.
2024-08-16 14:57:15.356 | DEBUG | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:17 - messages:
[{'role': 'system', 'content': "Please carefully read the user-inputted news content and analyze it based on the provided list of categories:\n['中秋节']\n\nIf the news contains any information related to the above categories, mark the type of information using the following format and provide a one-sentence summary containing only the time, location, who involved, and the event:\nCategory Name One-sentence summary including only time, location, who, and event.\n\nIf the news includes multiple pieces of information, analyze each one separately and output them in a line-by-line format. If the news does not involve any of the listed categories, simply output: N/A.\nImportant guidelines to follow: 1) Adhere strictly to the original news content, do not provide information not contained in the original text; 2) For the same event, select only the most fitting tag, avoiding duplicate outputs; 3) Summarize using just one sentence, and limit it to time, location, who, and event only; 4) Strictly comply with the given output format."}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'title: 2024年中秋、国庆假期安排,请查收!\n\ncontent: [from news] 新闻频道\n>\n中国新闻\n2024年中秋、国庆假期安排,请查收!\n来源:\n央视新闻\n| 2024年08月14日 18:00:09\n央视新闻 | 2024年08月14日 18:00:09\n原标题:\n正在加载\n中秋节、国庆节\n假期就要到了\n放假安排请查收\n↓\n↓\n中秋节\n9月15日至17日放假调休\n共3天\n9月14日(星期六)上班\n国庆节\n10月1日至7日放假调休\n共7天\n9月29日(星期日)\n10月12日(星期六)\n上班\n想要出游的小伙伴\n赶紧计划起来吧'}]
2024-08-16 14:57:15.356 | DEBUG | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:18 - model: alibaba/Qwen2-7B-Instruct
2024-08-16 14:57:15.356 | DEBUG | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:19 - kwargs:
{'temperature': 0.1}
2024-08-16 14:57:18.872 | ERROR | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:26 - _openaillm error: Connection error.
2024-08-16 14:57:18.872 | INFO | insights.get_info:get_info:71 - can not find info, llm result:
2024-08-16 14:57:18.873 | INFO | main:schedule_pipeline:23 - task execute loop finished, work after 3600 seconds
2024-08-16 14:57:15.356 | DEBUG | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:17 - messages: [{'role': 'system', 'content': "Please carefully read the user-inputted news content and analyze it based on the provided list of categories:\n['中秋节']\n\nIf the news contains any information related to the above categories, mark the type of information using the following format and provide a one-sentence summary containing only the time, location, who involved, and the event:\nCategory Name One-sentence summary including only time, location, who, and event.\n\nIf the news includes multiple pieces of information, analyze each one separately and output them in a line-by-line format. If the news does not involve any of the listed categories, simply output: N/A.\nImportant guidelines to follow: 1) Adhere strictly to the original news content, do not provide information not contained in the original text; 2) For the same event, select only the most fitting tag, avoiding duplicate outputs; 3) Summarize using just one sentence, and limit it to time, location, who, and event only; 4) Strictly comply with the given output format."}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'title: 2024年中秋、国庆假期安排,请查收!\n\ncontent: [from news] 新闻频道\n>\n中国新闻\n2024年中秋、国庆假期安排,请查收!\n来源:\n央视新闻\n| 2024年08月14日 18:00:09\n央视新闻 | 2024年08月14日 18:00:09\n原标题:\n正在加载\n中秋节、国庆节\n假期就要到了\n放假安排请查收\n↓\n↓\n中秋节\n9月15日至17日放假调休\n共3天\n9月14日(星期六)上班\n国庆节\n10月1日至7日放假调休\n共7天\n9月29日(星期日)\n10月12日(星期六)\n上班\n想要出游的小伙伴\n赶紧计划起来吧'}]
2024-08-16 14:57:15.356 | DEBUG | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:18 - model: alibaba/Qwen2-7B-Instruct
2024-08-16 14:57:15.356 | DEBUG | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:19 - kwargs:
{'temperature': 0.1}
2024-08-16 14:57:18.872 | ERROR | llms.openai_wrapper:openai_llm:26 - _openaillm error: Connection error.
2024-08-16 14:57:18.872 | INFO | insights.get_info:get_info:71 - can not find info, llm result:
2024-08-16 14:57:18.873 | INFO | main:schedule_pipeline:23 - task execute loop finished, work after 3600 seconds
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