Teamwork / github-sync

This action helps you to sync your PRs with tasks in Teamwork to streamline team collaboration and your development workflows.
MIT License
64 stars 26 forks source link

Yannig hackathon #33

Closed ychartois closed 3 years ago

ychartois commented 3 years ago


When a PR is open, I'd like the all PR description to be past in the task comment, as most of customer facing people don't have access to Github It also update the task tag to have a high vision of the flow


Peek 2020-11-19 18-29

toffentoffen commented 3 years ago

LGTM. Great job. BTW have you tried to run it locally at least the tests? For instance: act pull_request -e tests/events/pull_request_opened.json

ychartois commented 3 years ago

Yop, I tested it locally, it's how I made the gif and the video 😊 I also changed the body in open test to have a complex markdown body in there 😊

miguelbemartin commented 3 years ago

@ychartois arrived late here. Just some questions:

miguelbemartin commented 3 years ago

I've also noted that titles are quite big in Teamwork. We should probably make smaller.