Teamwork / node-auto-launch

Launch applications or executables at login (Mac, Windows, and Linux)
MIT License
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How to handle the hidden in MacOS? #81

Open weiluenju opened 6 years ago

weiluenju commented 6 years ago

Now my program can auto start, but the window still show after login, even I already set isHidden to true.

I try to see the nw.App.argv array, but not found any about hidden information.

How can I do to handle the hidden in MacOS?


weiluenju commented 6 years ago

OK, I give up using the AppleScript,

I change to use the Launch Agent, but I found if i don't assign the path, the path in plist file will be

.../ Helper

It is not work!

I need to assgin the path to


and then it is work.

BUT the filename of plist will be nwjs.plist.

It is very easy duplicate with other NW.js program.

Package NW.js by nw-builder

hedwigz commented 6 years ago

@weiluenju I also faced this problem.
I think they should really add this to the documentation.
Mac hidden handling is different from Linux and Windows.
What you need to do is check the LoginItemSettings:

const loginSettings = app.getLoginItemSettings();
const hidden = loginSettings.wasOpenedAsHidden;
adam-lynch commented 5 years ago

Please see that we're looking for contributors / maintainers: #64.

I'm happy to give access to people who are willing to help improve things, merge pull-requests, close issues, etc.