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[Bug] built-in slow-motion mod does not slow down time if built-in screen recorder is active #525

Closed TeardownDestructionClips closed 1 month ago

TeardownDestructionClips commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

Using the built-in slow-motion mod works as intended and slows down time as well as applying a slow motion effect to all sounds, however when recording with the built-in screen recorder mod the built-in slow-motion mod will not slow down time at all, it will remain at regular speed but will still apply the slow motion effect to sounds.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Enable the "slow-motion" and "screen recorder" mods in the built-in mods section
  2. Start recording with the screen recorder mod in game
  3. hold down "T" to active slow motion and realize it isn't actually slow motion.

Expected behavior

the built-in slow-motion mod should work the same as it normally does even when the built-in screen recorder mod is recording, it should slow down time and apply the slow motion effect to all sounds.


Additional context

No response

Gregory-Gregory commented 2 months ago

@TeardownDestructionClips hi,

Thank you a lot for the clear description of the bug. I have reported it to the QA team. If they need any additional details, I will let you know.

Gregory-Gregory commented 2 months ago

@TeardownDestructionClips Hi again :)

This issue was already fixed by the team earlier. This fix will be shipped in one of the upcoming patches.