Teardown-Issue-Tracker-Maintainers / Teardown-Issue-Tracker

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[Bug] Major frame drop when entering Level Editor #540

Closed MexicanHulkHogan42069 closed 3 months ago

MexicanHulkHogan42069 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

this was caused while reinstalling teardown in an attempt to fix the other major problems i was having

when i enter the level editor my frames drop tremendously to approx. 6fps, and the low framerate remains even after exiting the editor and going in-game (it doesn't happen on the main menu) (also worth noting the framedrop doesn't occur when going in-game before entering the level editor)

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Expected behavior

level editor not dropping my frames


teardown 1.5.4 OS: windows 11 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU Graphics driver version: Geforce Game Ready 551.76 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2496 MHz, 4 cores, 8 processors

Additional context

No response

YuLun-bili commented 3 months ago

We need a more specific way of reproduction if you could find out one. Otherwise it's hard to identify reason(s) for this issue

MexicanHulkHogan42069 commented 3 months ago

i just have to enter the level editor no matter what way i do it from, as soon as i load up the level editor is drops my frames, so nothing else but opening the level editor causes it

and like i said previously, this is bizzarely only a problem i have, alongside the multitude of other bugs i reported here

MexicanHulkHogan42069 commented 3 months ago

so it seemingly just fixed itself? i went back on teardown today and the issue is gone, so i figure you just have to restart your computer to fix the framedrop issue, although i did play teardown on windowless mode to try to record the issue but i don't think that was what fixed it