Teardown-Issue-Tracker-Maintainers / Teardown-Issue-Tracker

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[Bug] Cannot set edit map mode's `Value` slider to 0 #544

Open kzonix opened 1 month ago

kzonix commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Self explanatory.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Go to the Teardown editor.
  2. Create a heightmap.
  3. Click on it, then go to 'edit map mode' under Tools.
  4. Try to set the Value slider to zero

Expected behavior

You should be able to set the value slider to 0 because that is a value that heightmaps can have. Say you want to remove the tarmac from a heightmap by setting it to 0. You would have to work around it by subtracting by a large value.


Additional context

No response

Gregory-Gregory commented 1 month ago

@kzonix hi!

Thank you for reporting this issue. It has been shared with the team. If they need any additional details, I will let you know.