Teardown-Issue-Tracker-Maintainers / Teardown-Issue-Tracker

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[Bug] Marina not in "built-in" menu #545

Closed Squidward1Tentacles closed 1 month ago

Squidward1Tentacles commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

One of my colleagues is trying to create a map based on marina, but it is not within the built-in menu, nor can I find it anywhere else.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Go to 'built-in menu'
  2. Scroll down to 'marina' (the part that's missing)
  3. See error

Expected behavior

Marina should have been visible in the built-in menu


Additional context

No response

bingleboy commented 2 months ago

Shows up fine for me on 1.5.4. Perhaps try verifying your local files? Should be listed under 'West Point Marina' at the bottom of the built-in mod list.

YuLun-bili commented 1 month ago

closing as no response from submitter for a month and the map is indeed in built-in menu