Tech-FZ / EmuGUI

A QEMU GUI that I made.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hardcodded "Documents" folder #80

Open Listum opened 1 month ago

Listum commented 1 month ago

Its says that C:\\Users\\Listum\\Documents\\EmuGUI isnt exist. Its cause i moved my Documents folder into different volume.


Tech-FZ commented 1 month ago

Someone already prepared a solution for this issue which will be implemented in EmuGUI 2.1. Until then, the workaround is to create a folder named "Documents" in the C:\Users\(username) directory, in your case C:\Users\Listum.

YanYiGe2023 commented 2 weeks ago

一模一样的问题,间图 屏幕截图 2024-06-19 113911 屏幕截图 2024-06-19 113930

YanYiGe2023 commented 2 weeks ago

一模一样的问题,间图 屏幕截图 2024-06-19 113911 屏幕截图 2024-06-19 113930


Tech-FZ commented 2 weeks ago

@YanYiGe2023 Based on what I can see, I can only guess you also moved your user folder. I haven't even started with EmuGUI 2.1 yet. The current workaround would be creating a folder in C:\Users named as your username and there, create a folder called Documents, however, in EmuGUI 2.1, this workaround may not be necessary anymore. Either way, can you please communicate in English if possible? I can't really help you if you reply in Chinese.