Tech-Pangolin / latertots
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Feature: Calendar View for Bookings #19

Closed elersong closed 2 months ago

elersong commented 4 months ago

Description: Implement a calendar on the admin dashboard to display a summary of bookings for specific days.

User Story: As an admin, I want to see a summary of bookings for each day on a calendar so that I can easily manage and monitor booking activity.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Display a monthly calendar view with each day showing a roll-up summary of bookings.
  2. For each day, show:
    • Client names?
    • Percentage of availability taken up
    • Number of pending approvals
  3. Include links to the detailed booking approval UI with pending approvals filtered for the selected day.
  4. Ensure the feature is accessible to all admin users.
  5. Fetch booking data from Firebase and display it on the calendar.
  6. The design should be simple and focus on functionality.

Dependencies: Booking data must be stored and retrievable from Firebase.

Technical Requirements:

Potential Challenges: