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:newspaper: Internal administration platform
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Collect Attendees' Skills & WantsToLearn #16

Open ethanresnick opened 10 years ago

ethanresnick commented 10 years ago

For each event attendee added to the system as a Person, we should try to email them (either at an email facebook gives us, or by emailing {fbusername}, which usually forwards to the user's primary email address). In our email, we can have a link to a profile page for the user on which he/she can fill out his skills and wantsTo Learn.

I'm thinking we probably don't want to have full sign-in protecting this page, so it's probably enough to have it accessible at a hidden url that we email the person. The url could just be something like{userId}/profile, where userId would be set up to be long and hard to guess (it isn't currently)

AbhiAgarwal commented 9 years ago

I'm working on this

AbhiAgarwal commented 9 years ago

Ping on this. Could help you guys think about design. @ethanresnick @grungerabbit @maxdumas

This is also going to be established as the feedback system.