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:newspaper: Internal administration platform
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Closed ashleytqy closed 7 years ago

ashleytqy commented 7 years ago

Position is displayed as words not numbers, Lead displayed first Start and End date text box is read-only

ethanresnick commented 7 years ago

I <3 this! Thank you @ashleytqy!

One thought: Is there a way to structure this so we're not duplicating the logic for constructing a position's name/string representation (i.e. `${teamName} ${(isLead ? '- Lead' : '')}`) in a bunch of different places? If we want to add something to that string later on -- say, because we change the structure of Position -- we could miss some places.

ashleytqy commented 7 years ago

Welcome ~ !! Would creating a new module in the services folder (or maybe add it into data-transformer?) solve this issue?

ethanresnick commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure... this really isn't a codebase I know well. @brentdur would have more insight

brentdur commented 7 years ago

@ashleytqy could also possibly try a filter?

brentdur commented 7 years ago
