TechEmpower / FrameworkBenchmarks

Source for the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks project
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Round 22 Completed #8501

Open NateBrady23 opened 10 months ago

NateBrady23 commented 10 months ago

Hi everyone!

Round 22 results are in:

We could use some help from the community to verify these results are aligned with what is expected. (This doesn't mean your particular framework performed better/worse than expected.)

Also, if you'd like to be included in the Round 22 blog post, feel free to write a paragraph about the work you did to improve your results from round to round or a link to your blog post that speaks to those changes. You can leave that here or email them to me at

NateBrady23 commented 10 months ago

Results look good. We will be posting them this week. Still looking for some write ups!

franz1981 commented 10 months ago

@nbrady-techempower I missed this :( I still have time to send a wrap-up for me (adding @vietj in cc too) re Netty/Vertx/Quarkus?

NateBrady23 commented 10 months ago

@franz1981 Yes, I got yours. Thanks for sending that over!

fundon commented 10 months ago

List a few of Rust's performance optimizations.

In a real production environment, several approaches can be tried to optimize the application:

  1. Specify memory allocators

  2. Declaring static variables

  3. Putting a small portion of data on the stack

  4. Using a capacity to new vector or hash, a least capacity elements without reallocating

  5. SIMD

fakeshadow commented 10 months ago

List a few of Rust's performance optimizations.

In a real production environment, several approaches can be tried to optimize the application:

1. Specify **memory allocators**

   * [`mimalloc`](
   * [`snmalloc-rs`](
   * [`jemallocator`](

2. Declaring **static variables**

   * [`once_cell`](
   * [`lazy_static`](

3. Putting a small portion of data on the **stack**

   * [`smallvec`](
   * [`tinyvec`](

4. Using a `capacity` to new **vector** or **hash**, a least capacity elements without reallocating


Most of the stuff mentioned are either micro optimization or even can be harmful(in certain cases).

  1. Custom memory allocator does not impact perf in real world. You use it when you need extra features(security, debug/profiling capabilities and customizable behaviors etc).
  2. Global variable has it's pros and cons and you should only use it when needed for reason other than micro optimization.
  3. Inline small data is micro optimization and it has limitation where you must be able to predict the data is moving around the inline water mark. Otherwise you may end up with a strictly inferior data structure.
  4. Reducing memory reallocation is mostly about reducing fragmentation and perf impact is on micro level. Over allocating upfront can possibly result in high memory usage so as point 3 whether you can predict the data size is the key.
  5. In real world web app you better just choose the Rust crate that can do simd for you rather than optimize it yourself.

In general you should not take anything from tfb benchmark and simply consider it useful in real world. Context and use case determines how you optimize your code.

btw: xitca-web (bench code not including dependencies) does not do 2,3,5 and still remains competitive in micro bench can be used as a reference.

franz1981 commented 10 months ago

@nbrady-techempower thanks, I've sent an email with the changes

mindplay-dk commented 10 months ago

No Bun or Deno in this one? I think these might be the two most wanted benchmarks this year.

pavelmash commented 10 months ago

There are both Bun and Deno here - but they only implement plaintext and json

NateBrady23 commented 10 months ago

I'll be out of the office for a couple of days this week, so hoping to get the blog post and results up on the site by the end of the week or early next week at the latest; so last call for any other folks looking to get a blurb in the blog post.

synopse commented 10 months ago

I have written a blog post about TFB and object pascal - yes, we added our object pascal framework in round 22!

And in fact, next week I will go to Germany for two conferences at EKON 27, speaking about TFB and comparing good old object pascal solutions to the most trendy using Rust, Go or JS.

Here is a paragraph about what we did on our mORMot framework in respect to TFB, through a lot of iterations:

About how we maximize our results for TFB, we tried several ways of accessing the DB (ORM, blocking, async), reduced the syscalls as much as possible, minimized multi-thread locks especially during memory access (a /plaintext request requires no memory allocation), and made a lot of profiling and micro-optimizations. The benefit of the object pascal language is obvious: it is at the same time a high-level language (with interfaces, classes and safe ARC/COW strings), safe and readable, but also a system-level language (with raw pointers and direct memory buffers access). So the user can write its business code with high level of abstraction and safety, but the framework core could be tuned to the assembly level, to leverage the hardware it runs on. Finally, OpenSource helped a lot having realistic feedback from production, even if the project and the associated FreePascal compiler are maintained by a small number of developers, and object pascal as a language is often underestimated.

mindplay-dk commented 10 months ago

There are both Bun and Deno here - but they only implement plaintext and json

ah, I see, there's a separate TypeScript folder.

how come? I mean, TS doesn't have a runtime - so in terms of performance, it's going to be dependent on whatever the emitted JS is running on. Any framework that supports TS also supports JS, and most of the frameworks in the JavaScript folder also support TS, so it doesn't seem very meaningful to break TS into a separate category from JS, I think? it's JavaScript, with types.

Robbson commented 10 months ago

The JavaScript frameworks I checked are still using the old NodeJS version 18. Now that NodeJS 20 has LTS status, this should be used as the new default, especially because version 20 got really great performance improvements.

NateBrady23 commented 10 months ago


it doesn't seem very meaningful to break TS into a separate category from JS, I think? it's JavaScript, with types.

The separation isn't meant to mean anything other than the programming language the code is written in; not what it compiles/transpiles to.

@Robbson you are welcome to upgrade any languages and frameworks that you think are out of date. Even better if you can ping the maintainers while you do it.

NateBrady23 commented 10 months ago

Round 22 has been posted. Blog post to follow early next week. Thanks everyone for your contributions!

bhauer commented 10 months ago

Thanks @nbrady-techempower for posting Round 22! Looking forward to the blog post.

volyrique commented 9 months ago

@nbrady-techempower Could you also add releases/tags for round 21 and 22 to this repository, please?

hggq commented 9 months ago

How to participate in this testing competition C++ Web framework

NateBrady23 commented 9 months ago

@volyrique Ah, thanks for calling that out.

@franz1981 I think the email I thought was from you was from someone else. I'm about to get this blog posted. Would you mind resending to

franz1981 commented 9 months ago

@nbrady-techempower I'm :) it should be (I'm Francesco, as first name)

NateBrady23 commented 9 months ago

@franz1981 Ok, got it for real this time. Thanks!

hiqsociety commented 9 months ago

@nbrady-techempower possible to update the website on the latest pull request? i've submitted mine but was not updated.

golang's sprapp

NateBrady23 commented 9 months ago

@hiqsociety The web results are for round 22. To watch continuous runs happen, that's on

volyrique commented 9 months ago

@NateBrady23 Perhaps it is time to remove the message Round 22 official run has started... from the results dashboard :wink:?

libreom commented 9 months ago

Hi, when will the blog post be published?

firebank commented 9 months ago

Hi, what is the precise version information of MySQL,MongoDB & Postgres?I can not find on the site or github.

volyrique commented 8 months ago

@firebank How precise would you like that information to be? You could look at the database Dockerfiles for a fairly accurate idea:

ehsanziyaee commented 7 months ago

Where is Drogon framework ? you should apply framework with best performance in last rounds, in new benchmark, too.

volyrique commented 7 months ago

Drogon didn't go anywhere, but it failed to build during the benchmark run for round 22.

Anonymes1 commented 2 months ago


Anonymes1 commented 2 months ago
