TechGrounds-Cloud8 / cloud8-Acron0815

cloud8-Acron0815 created by GitHub Classroom
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Feedback Request: Opdracht 2: GIT-02 Markdown #4

Closed Acron0815 closed 2 years ago

Acron0815 commented 2 years ago

Feedback RequestOpdracht 2: GIT-02 Markdown Permalink to file: [GIT-02 Markdown]

Markdown turns common “plaintext” formatting conventions like asterisks, indentation, and so on into HTML markup. If you need anything more complicated (say, an image with a caption or a link that opens in a new window), you need to mix markdown and raw HTML. Markdown is easy to remember for simple stuff (blockquotes, italics, headings, etc) but more complicated structures require extensions to the standard that are just as tweaky as HTML.


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se0727 commented 2 years ago

idem dito als comment on issue 1

Acron0815 commented 2 years ago

Hallo Sanjai, Bedankt voor de suggesties, ik zal vanavond/nacht nog proberen de fouten te herstellen! Tot straks, André